OK, no more lazy, fun, relaxing weekends for a while, fiends. Time to get crackalackin. But first, coffee and some good reading.
- BoomR posted this on Facebook this morning. Excellent article! I had no idea Charles Dickens had such influence on the public perception of the “scary” circus clown. (I’ve always thought they were ooky.)
- Who’d have thought 30 years ago that the day would come when a cable-TV company would put the screws to one of the Big Three? Wow. Oh, the times, they are upside down, and there’s no end to the greed.
- Oh, dear. Prepare to have your perceptions shattered; your inner child beaten senseless. Et tu, Bob Barker? Apparently he respects his beloved stray dogs and cats more than he does women. (caveat: profanity)
All right, that’s enough for one morning. Gotta hit the shower, then wrap presents for my beautiful grandson, Mr. A., who’s having a belated 1st birthday party at noon today. Fun!
And you enjoy your weekend, too. May it not be your last lazy one. Urg.
How was the Birthday party? No clowns showed up I hope
Haha it was great fun, and NO clowns!!
The MINUTE I saw that article about clowns, I thought of you! I thought it was actually a fascinating article!!
I loved it! And I shared it to Stoney’s wall, because she is even more ooked out by clowns than I am. HA
**GASP** There’s someone who is more wigged out by clowns than you? **slaps forehead** LOL