Various & Sundry XVI

All the news fit to harangue about. Yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition; it just “popped” better than the more acceptable form of the sentence (fragment), All the news about which to harangue. I like the word “harangue.” Huh-rang. I like to say it as well as write it. It has a nice mouth feel. Say it a couple of times, right there in your chair. Go ahead. Huh-rang.

Right. Onward.

1. I found a picture this morning and was reminded of how much fun I had at the camp I did last month, and how cool the guys from InPulse are:

Fink, surrounded by talent and gorgeousness. It is good to be queen.


Definitely made some great friends that week, even though I was the oldest person there, beating out one other faculty member by about a year. But hey, it’s all in your head, right? (And in your knees, back, shoulders, ankles.)

2. Got a real nice email last night from one of the students at the camp. Makes it worth doing all this, ya know? Just when you’re afraid it’s all been wasted time…

3. Completely vapid and superficial: Who wants to know how to duplicate Kate Hudson’s hair color? I do. Yes, I am that shallow.

4. I get Jake all day today. Wahoo!

5. Jake and I are going to see BFF Kay this morning. Waffles are on the menu, topped with raspberries from the back yard garden. How cool is that? I ask you.

6. And speaking of cool: my little town of Ashland, Ohio makes the headlines. Good for the two of them.

7. I have to admit this: I think Glenn Beck is funny. All political pundits should be comedians first. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Louis Black…even the slightly unamusing Bill Maher.

OK. Time to gird the loins for the arrival of The Most Awesome Toddler in the World.

BTW: I do not know what day it is. Just sayin.


4 thoughts on “Various & Sundry XVI

  1. Ross

    Deja Vu all over again? The question of prepositions ending sentences, surely this has been addressed in Schmenglish, or elsewhere? Or am I actually having this same conversation many times in other places?

    Either way, I recall from my salad days as a lousy Clinton intern, when a staff writer wrote a Proclomation from the President for, I dunno, Aardvark Day or something, and the last sentence of one paragraph ended with a preposition (spec., “of.”). There was no argument that it sounded very awkward. But I think we concluded – those of us who sadly spent 2-3 years in Latin – that that rule is in fact a descendent of Latin, and not technically wrong in English.

    Fortunately my Wheeler Latin texts are long gone. But I just checked the Strunk & White bible as well as “Doing Grammar” by Max Morenberg, no mention of this rule.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I do think the preposition rule is pretty much outdated, tell you the truth. I was taught to not do it, and boy did it stick. I really don’t have a problem with it at all anymore, *except* for ending a sentence with “at” when one is asking the location of a thing. “Where’s it at?” is just redundant — I think I’m more offended by that aspect than anything else, heh.


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