First bit of bad news on the Odyssey front.
We’re staying at the gorgeous K Bar S Lodge near Mount Rushmore over the 4th of July, and I just read this morning that they have canceled their huge fireworks show at the monument because of fear of wildfires. Bummer. And the weather is supposed to be gorgeous. Oh well. I understand completely.
The second bit of potential bad news involves the endangered health and welfare of the body shop people if they dink around and end up not getting their shoddy work corrected before Wednesday. There Will Be Blood.
We managed to get everything laid out in suitcases last night. The pre-launch preparations have begun. New GPS maps are downloaded, paper and mail are scheduled to shut down, and Lars and Simone are scheduled to babysit the homestead during the coming weeks. Rousseau is farmed out to BFF Kay and Bob’s for the duration, and we’re at the point where the only things in the fridge are what we plan to actually eat or drink over the next few days.
Am I forgetting anything?
What’s on everyone’s weekend list? Anything fun?
Body shop? Did you have a little boo-boo with the car? I must have missed that one! You guys are going to have SUCH a blast on the trip!!
I’m bummed for you & the fireworks as well, but totally understand the fire safety hazard. We’ve FINALLY gotten some rain down here that’s helped with our wildfire problems.
So it’s off to walk the dogs, then get ready for rehearsal @ church. I’m playing the offertory tomorrow at both services (with BV on guitar) – doing a reprise of Avalon’s “Testify to Love” as an instrumental
Tonight “Deuce” has a gig – wedding reception. 1/2 of the happy couple is a grad of UNT in Denton, which as you know is one of the top jazz schools in the nation. While she’s not a jazz musician herself, she really likes jazz. So for at least the first half of the gig, we’ll be tip-toe-ing through the Real Book! WOOT!
Of course, as the liquid libations begin to flow, I’m sure we’ll get asked for Bad Bad Leroy Brown & Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog & other chestnuts
Really looking forward to the gig, because it’s an “eats gig” at a really cool restaurant in Grapevine, TX (out N. of DFW airport):
I’m off like a herd of turtles!!
Hey, how’d the gig go?? Sounds like (and looks like) a fabulous place. And yes, I have an issue with the body shop that “repaired” the front end of my car after Seamus hit a deer in it. It’s still not right, and they will by-crackie make it right on Monday, or Finky will know the reason why. Then evvvvvvvveryone will be unhappy. LOL
Tell how the church gig went, too!
We ROCKED the house!!
“Standing-O” at the 2nd service
There will be video soon – I’ll send you the link.
Gig was AMAZING – for more reasons than just a lot of good food, drink, and music. I may actually write a little note about it all & post on FB…stay tuned
Can’t wait to see and hear! Congrats, luv.
Bummer about the cancelled fireworks on the 4th. You’ll still have a great trip. I’m praying for the body shop people that they get their act together post haste
Otherwise, there will be “fireworks” right in our home town!
Please don’t for get your camera. I’m looking forward to pictures every day!
Today, I’m finishing prep for tomorrow, mowing MY yard (instead of someone else’s). With all of the rain, it’s turning into a hay field. This afternoon we’re off to Smithville to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of long time friends. 5oth anniversary — those people must be old! O, wait a minute….
Big 10-4 on the body shop folk, RD. You might hear my ranting all the way over on your street.
Sounds like a fun party tomorrow night. And no worries on looking old…lawn mowing is doing wonders for your youthful complexion! (Translation: I HATE your tan.)