Cortisone is a wonderful thing.

The searing pain in my hip joint is about 90% gone, which means it is not a labral tear that is causing these problems; rather, it’s the arthritis. Still, I have a range of motion in my right leg I haven’t experienced since before Thanksgiving last year. All indicators point to inflammation calming down.

Too bad that most good things have a dark side, though. This is likely why my doc is limiting me to three injections of the magic juice. From

…animal studies have shown effects of weakening of tendons and softening of cartilage with cortisone injections. Repeated cortisone injections multiply these effects and increase the risk of potential problems. This is the reason many physicians limit the number of injections they offer to a patient.”

Nice. I will enjoy this while it lasts, then go on to the next thing.

Today we get to see all the kids one more time before we leave. Angus steakburgers on the grill, porky beans, macaroni salad, and I’m going to the kitchen right now to start a batch of chocolate chip cookies. (I’m a grammie. I bake. That’s my job.) It’ll be fun seeing everyone before the big push to Wednesday morning.

And of course, I still have to put the hands on a certain body shop tomorrow. Not looking forward to that conversation. Where did I put that Louisville Slugger…

Happy Sumday! Get out and enjoy the sunshine if you can.

6 thoughts on “Cortisone is a wonderful thing.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Meggly. I think I’m going to be super comfortable riding in the car — one big worry taken care of. Talk when I get back!

  1. RD

    Sounds like a great time with your family. Those times are wonderful and precious.

    I’m so glad that you’re experiencing relief from the searing pain and restored movement!! I hope it lasts and lasts, and certainly at throughout your trip, but way beyond it too. I’m also hoping that the body shop comes through for you tomorrow.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, fiend! Of course, I plan on it lasting just fine until the doctor won’t do them anymore. After that, who knows…

      It’s 7:35 a.m. right now. Waiting till 8 to call the body shop. I’ll keep you posted! Have a fun day on the lawns!

  2. BoomR

    Porky Beans – LOL!!! I forgot about that one!!! Glad to hear that the pain is subsiding for now. And I’m with RD on the camera and pictures DAILY :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      HA — and the grandkids call them that now, too! It’s one of those funny toddler malapropisms that sticks in the family forever. We have another one: “Gator” for Gatorade. Don’t know which of my two started that, but that’s what I still call it.

      I promise — lots of fotografias, and you need to do the same from sunny Barthelona, comprendes????


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