Blah. Hate the cold and rain in August. But hey, it’ll beat the heck out of 93 and humid tomorrow. And speaking of beating…why is it that the Tribe waits until it doesn’t matter anymore to start winning games?
Had another sleepover with Jakey last night. We played and wore each other out. Keeps me young. And don’t you know, I looked all over town for a simple oversized bat, ball and free-standing tee this morning (the Indians need a lot of help so I thought I’d start batting practice early), and nobody had one. Off to Mansfield.
As many of you know, I had a test at the hospital (all results normal, yay), and they shot me full of iodine to light up my innards. Well of course, as has been the case in the dozens of surgeries I’ve had over the years, they couldn’t find a vein in one arm after digging around a while, so they abandoned that effort and tried the other arm. Lovely. I am grossed out daily. Jake pointed at my arms this morning and said, “Uh-oh.” Indeed.
So what’s everyone up to this weekend? Playing around? Traveling? Knitting one’s dog or cat hair into a scarf? Share.
Jakey is DEFINITELY his father’s son.. it’s SCARY how much he looks like #1 son when he was that age (at least as I remember).
Gig last night went well. Manager of the place said: “Just how much do you want to work? I know you have a day job, but you can work as many or as few nights as you want. I’d rather have you than B***t play any day of the week.”
Music of another kind to my ears 
Just replaced the track light dimmer in the recording studio & now about to go hang the last few acoustic panels & do some touch-up paint. Then off to a pool party for a couple hrs, then off to the “Back Room @ Chamberlains” (we came up with that name late last night – alcohol was definitely involved LOL)
Hope the black/blue subsides quickly – sheesh! What a mess they made!
How cool, BoomR! Congrats on the longstanding gig, my friend. They’d be dumb to not want your stuff anyway. So how much work are you going to take on? And the Thriller and I are excited about coming to see you next summer on our way to Austin — we will party, and I will get to hear that velvet voice and sultry saxlyfone…can’t wait!
And you are right — Jake is his daddy all over again. Only thing he got from Mommy is that cute Kewpie doll mouth and chin.
Good luck on the studio makeover!
PS – I might have to request “Clarinet Polka” just for old times. HAA
I graduated today. That’s the sum total of my weekend plans at this point. We must venture to Panera sometime soon, friend.
Wahoo, Bandolicious! Congrats, fiend! Put your feet up and enjoy it (I hope to be doing the same come December).
You name it and I’m on the way to Panera, g/f.
If it matters, I am the parents’ place this weekend. Not only that, but I got a call from your purse or butt this morning quite early!!! The voicemail (I’m not answering that early) was quite humorous. 5 minutes of incomprehensable chatter.
Cold and rainy in Ohio, eh? Well come to Alaska! It is HOT and super nice
Can ya believe it?
Enjoy your next couple weeks of freedom, Fink.
Hey, when you coming home? I’m glad you’re having a ball! What an adventure, eh?
Today was our last day here (thank the Lord Almighty). We are all ready to return home. After sightseeing for this long everything starts looking the same. We will leave here super early in the morning and get home super late (OH time) tomorrow night. It is a 9 hour flight. I know you are jealous – you adore flying!
Please don’t wish the horrors of playing on the Cleveland Indians upon poor innocent Jake
Ya never know, Kody…we gotta get Hafner outta there, and fast.
Whaaaat???? No mention or memorial about the Beatle’s 40th anniversary of Abbey Road??? I am shocked.
Yikes! That didn’t even register! Well, seein’ as how that album came out 40 years ago…you know, the year I was born & all…
I didn’t mention your 40 thing since you seem to be a little traumatized by it and all….:)