It’s Finkday already. ¡No lo creo! Time’s flying by (and getting tougher than tough…). School year weeks never go this fast, ya know? Anyway, let the flipouts begin.
I laid some “haven’t” science on myself this morning:
- Haven’t updated choir tour accounts and details yet.
- Haven’t given a single thought to the upcoming Joomla training session, or the wholesale changes that come afterward.
- Haven’t done *any* score study or choreography or transpositions for Bye Bye Birdie. Nice.
- Haven’t any players for the orchestra yet; don’t even know what kind of pit I want.
- Haven’t yet bought the eleventy-thousand-dollar textbook I need for the last class I will ever take in my lifetime.
- Haven’t begged the Thriller to get the garden roto-tilled.
- Haven’t cleaned those last two closets.
- Haven’t seen this much fur come off a dog in one brushing session, ever. Could have made a small sheep out of it. The photos don’t do it justice, honestly; it was all over the yard, just flyin like an eagle till it was free.
However, I also….
- Haven’t had this much fun in one summer (with one bad spell, albeit brief) in forever.
- Haven’t enjoyed my family and friends this much in a long time.
- Haven’t “grown” as much professionally in the last five years as I have over the last few months.
Hmm. Does this have anything to do with turning forty in a couple-a weeks? Not sure I can take all this self-realization and huggery. Cloying.
All right, off to the showers. Meeting my good fiend Stoney at 10:00 for our annual cutting-the-score-to-ribbons session. Me likey.
Fourty? Clearly all the dog hair flying around the room caused your fingers to slip on the keyboard & mis-type that milestone birthday figure looming in the distance. Take it from me, hitting THIS one is gonna be a walk in the park!
Nice song quotes, too… “porkchop” – still my alltime favorite RFboid tune, I must admit.
Happy TGIF darlin’
Um….what’s a little typo between fiends?
Love you babe – have a good Friday your own self!
I have 4 cats and a golden retriever, so believe me I know about flying fur. My sister, who is a Knitting Knut, sent me this site:
I could have re-carpeted my entire apartment 3 times over if I’d had this a year or so ago.
No joke! We coulda made a friggin coat!
Forty *smirk hmmphhhggsmirksmirksmirk giggle*
Always love the dog pics.
Glad you got to enjoy your summer.
Heh heh. You guys…you don’t miss a single word, do ya?!??!
So, when is Birdie? Trying to plan ahead since I’m oddly curious/nostalgic.
BTW, if you don’t notice a comment for two weeks, its because I’ll be in Montana visiting my mom and dad but I look forward to reading when I get back.
5-7 November, 8 p.m. with a 2:00 matinee on the 7th.
Have fun in Montana!
I could add a couple of haven’ts, but I’ll just add this one — you haven’t checked your birth certificate lately for the year of your birth
40? Hmmmm! On second thought, I like your system — that would make me about 53.
Hahaha – see there? I got yer back, mate!!
Well, you’ll always be 29 to me, my darling. Be glad it’s Rousseau losing all that hair and not you!
How much do I love you!!!!!
You’re awesome, Mavis. Always finding the silver lining (or in my case, GRAY)!