
I totally forgot about this place. We are *so* staying here once we reach San Bernardino. Must get the Thriller on task with our exact travel schedule so we can book it way in advance.

Not quite politically correct (we aren’t going to get into THAT today, are we now), but so much a part of the history of when families became mobile and started traveling by car across the country after WWII.

r66guideYesterday, our Route 66 Dining & Lodging Guide arrived in the mail. While I finished a paper (at 10 p.m.), the Thriller read to me some of the cool places where we’ll stay or eat. That’s when I noticed the Wigwam Motel. What a great final stop on our destination. It is going to be a boss trip.

And speaking of destinations, I’m late for mine and the hair isn’t even dry yet…yikes…

Have a goody!


PS – Thoughts and prayers go out to BoomR’s mom-in-law, who is fighting the last stages of cancer. We all heart you, Boom Boom.

3 thoughts on “Wigwam!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yes, Mathew! We will be having some major good times. Speaking of good times — it was great to see your sister today! She came for a visit during my theory class. She brought puppy chow…she was the hit of the day.

  1. Will

    That place? It has to be made of awesome. As a lover of fine kitsch, it seems like the perfect place to stay. Route 66 actually seems like the perfect place for a lover of camp to travel.


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