Wise words from the Thriller

In order of importance:

  1. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  2. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  3. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  4. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  5. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  6. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  7. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  8. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  9. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.
  10. Don’t let one person hijack your emotions and essentially make decisions about how you’re going to live your life.

Which one do you like best?

Happy Finkday!

7 thoughts on “Wise words from the Thriller

  1. Tom Hanks

    I’m not sure about some of the things this list seems to imply. I could be way off…but when I read it I get a few things. 1. Staying true to ones self is more important. 2. Being honest about your emotions might mean is a weakness. 3. Happiness is more important than truth

    First of all I don’t believe in mantras. Anything a human needs to program themselves to believe is a devaluation of the intent of action required to make a human choice…and therefore the meaning of being a human being.

    Staying true to ones self only works if a person is born with the absolute truth. This has never been the case. To strive to stay true to ones self rather than seek out the absolute truth is to resign yourself to a relative existance. The only reason to do that would be because truth is painful and humans can seek happiness in the shelter of a relative belief/wayoflife/wayofthinking. I wonder what that means in the grand scheme of things. Are we here to compromise our way into a relative state of comfort? Is that the point of life? The fact the world is populated with other human beings tells me this must not be the point.

    Of course I can’t help but agree with the way his quote is phrased. No ones independance should be hijacked for the benefit of another. But sometimes the truth is pain and suffering. The truth is some people were born to die in boat wrecks. Some people were born to suffer at the at the hands of others or never achieve what they want. Of course you could decide to never ride on a boat, or you could decide relative happiness of self is more important than chasing a true love, but you have compromised.

    If I am ever happy I want it to be based on the knowledge that I have found a joy based in the absolute truth. As in…I’d rather never be happy than never ACTUALLY be happy…if that makes sense.

    I don’t mean to be against the thriller. I think advice like this is generally good in most scenarios. People shouldn’t let other people push them around. I do wonder though about advice I hear and how it relates to happiness. And even the concept of what happiness is. I am not content to be content.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Excellent (and deep) thoughts, my friend. What he meant, in this case, was his wish for me to not make a huge decision based upon how miserable one person was making me.

      This has not so much to do with my personal happiness as it does with another sense of fulfillment and feeling of worth in what I’m doing — the details of which cannot be discussed on a public forum. (We shall have to palaver about this on our next cinema outing!)

      Another observation: It is my belief that we give people “permission” to do various things. The Thriller’s admonition to me was for me to yank back that permission for this one person to upset me to the point of thinking ridiculous (and skewed) thoughts about my place in the world. I guess that overflows into the “happiness” category, or could conceivably do so.

      At any rate, I submit that one’s own sense of contentment/happiness depends a great deal on oneself. Somebody once said, “You’re as happy as you choose to be.” I agree with that. If I didn’t, I would be miserable with my middle-class existence. Instead, I revel in it. My challenge is to not let the idiotic ramblings of someone who would tear me down, well, tear me down. :-)

      1. Tom Hanks

        Well I agree with all of that. I guess I took the meaning in a context that didn’t apply to the situation it was meant for. Any idiotic ramblers attempting to tear you down are most certainly not on the side of truth! Which is a good reason for you to yank away the permission.

        I completely agree “you are as happy as you choose to be” is true because I think we are locked into a relative perspective which makes it our own responsibility. But that makes the intent of the choice an important thing…the difference in meaning between the intent of “happiness for happiness” or to seek “happiness in truth” is great.

        Happiness can only mean what it should mean in a case where it is true. I can decide to put on a smile when I stub my toe but if I call that happy it devalues the meaning of the term, potentially eventually to the point where it does not have meaning. I guess this is where I begin to want to gripe against mantras and most self help advice etc.

        But like I said…this is out of context with your original post. I was thinking of it in a love/marriage area in which a lot of the arguments for “self” have become detrimental to peoples ideas about what a relationship should be. Of course a lot of those pieces of advice were created to get people out of truly bad situations, and rightly so. I wonder about the side effect it has on society as a whole.

        In any case don’t let a turkey try and idiot talk at you! (unless its me on your blog haha) And definitely never let them make you feel devalued. You are the legendary Jaxtron 9000…and that is the absolute truth.


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