
Annoyed. Peeved. Hacked off. Irritated. I like the word nettled. Has a good mouth feel. It could also mean the state of having been stricken by the “weedy plant of the temperate urticaceous genus Urtica, having serrated leaves with stinging hairs and greenish flowers” (Harper Collins).

Them stinging hairs…

So why “nettled” today? Well you’d think I’d be delighted at having a two-hour delay from school, but I am not. Too much to do, and delays totally whack out my class schedule, not to mention wreak havoc on any evening rehearsals — like the ones I have tonight — in the event school is closed.


But it’s January in Ohio, so it’s not like I’m surprised, having lived here for going on 38 years. I will use my two hours wisely. Or not. :-)

Update: School is now canceled. No likey.

6 thoughts on “WotD II

  1. Stefan

    I personally vote that you make them youngins rehearse anyway. It’ll be good for’m. Teach’m a little somethin about the real world!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      That is my plan, Stefan! Waiting to hear from the big boss at 11:30.

      Your posting name reminds me of one of the most hilarious (and in my opinion, overlooked) movie scripts ever. Remember the jokes we used to throw back and forth in school about the movie “Clifford” and the dinosaur named Stefan? I am ashamed and I’ll probably go to he-zell for it, but I love that movie. Check out these quotes if you’re looking for something to read.

      Charles Grodin and Martin Short were hysterical. The movie got terrrrrrrriblllllle reviews, but gods help me I loved it. HA

      1. Stefan

        That’s the reason I use this name! I find the quotes humorous as well. I haven’t seen the movie though! That’s something I may have to look into! haha


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