WTG, Drew

Have you seen Drew Carey lately? Wow, what an inspiration. I read his interview in Parade this morning. I’ve had this discussion with many people: how and when do you decide that enough is enough, and you’re endangering your health, and a change needs to happen before it’s too late? It took Carey’s inability to keep up with his son to remind him that if he didn’t change his ways, he wasn’t “going to see him graduate high school.”

Whatever it takes, right?

I just wish Lindsay Lohan would get an “a-ha” moment like that.

So today is Jake’s birthday party. Big three-year-old takes the stage at 11 a.m. Mavis and I are going out to help with the set-up. Should be a grand time!


3 thoughts on “WTG, Drew

  1. Suzanne

    Hope it was a fun day for Jake and family!

    You know, I love to see stories like Drew. But let me see him keep it off for 5 years–THEN I will be impressed. Look at Kirstie Alley, Oprah, Ross the Intern on Jay Leno and many other people (myself) who have lost the weight, said blah blah blah I’ve changed my life blah blah blah and then put half the weight on or more because things aren’t “fixed” where they should be.

    Don’t wanna be a downer here…but been there done that.!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yeah, I hear ya. The temptation to fall off the wagon definitely doesn’t stop at the LA city limits. Actually, it’s good in a way to see that they’re just as human as we are. I’d just like to be at that point once in my life!


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