
Still fighting the nasty flu, although it’s a bit better than yesterday.

Sad news from a couple of days ago. It looks like the Carousel Dinner Theater in Akron is closing tonight, after 35 years. I’ve seen 2 great shows there (Fiddler on the Roof and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers); it’s a shame.

As I continue my recuperation on the sofa, I leave you with this pictorial review of 2008. And this one. What a year it was…

Fink, back underground

PS – Happy Birthday to Helen!

2 thoughts on “Yark.

  1. Greg

    It’s too bad about the Akron Carousel Dinner Theatre shutdown. Regretfully it’s all about the economy and the present state of the Performing Arts. Other theatre groups are also having some problems–they’ve extended themselves well-beyond their means. The future of Performing Arts rests with the school systems and continued administrative funding and support for these programs. They are certainly not “icing on the cake,” they’re part of the cake!!

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    Spoken like someone who knows, Greg…

    Welcome to the zoo, by the way – feel free to comment any time!


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