It’s going to be one of those weeks. I can just smell it.
- Woke up this morning with a terrible cold. I felt it coming on all day yesterday, but tried to ignore it. It will not be ignored.
- In anticipation of feeling like garbage this morning, I took *one* NyQuil pill (half the regular dosage) at bedtime last night. Overslept by two hours — feel like garbage.
- I needed to bake and choreograph today. Neither is looking too good right now.
- I got to see the Js this weekend.
- ” ” ” Mavis this weekend.
- Our DVD player died, and at 9:30 last night, we found a new one that does more neat stuff than the one we had (built-in WiFi, cool interface, more options), for not much more than we paid for the previous Blu-Ray player. Score.
Weekend = success. Now there’s that icky week coming up. Hork. Bring on the Super Bowl — my last excuse for not doing anything tonight.
Well, nuts. I remember you saying that you felt “something” coming on, yesterday. I’m so sorry you’re feeling poorly! I say wrap yourself in your warm blanket, stay on the sofa and watch movies until the big game. Oh, and have The Thriller make you some nice, hot tea/honey&lemon! Love you!
Sorry to hear about the BD player….whadja git to replace it??
Oh, and of course – sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, either. NyQuil can really kick you in the butt, no? But it works… thankfully!!

Sleeeeeep is goood! Stop complainin’
Hope you feel better soon! Have fun watching football this evening. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
I love yous guys! Thanks for the written TLC. Mave — I cannot stop sneezing, oi! I’ve waited all day to take DayQuil, so I’m going to do that, then take NyQuil a bit earlier tonight, so hopefully I don’t feel so draggy tomorrow morning. Butt kick indeed!
We got this, Boom Boom. Love it so far. And I shouldn’t have said “died” — the old one plays DVDs perfectly. It just won’t grab a wireless signal anymore. After about 5 hours of trial shutdowns, firmware/software upgrades, and numerous phone calls to our ISP, Cisco and Samsung, everyone deduced that the WiFi on the player was just DOA — at least for us. And rather than send it in for repair (ludicrous charges), we just decided to get a new unit. We’re enjoying it.
Only bummer: no Blockbuster app at this time (they’re not part of the Bravia Internet Video Network, which Sony supports). So I cancel Blockbuster at the end of my trial period.
Suz — I ain’t complainin’! I just made CHOCOLATE CAKE.
I Love You!
Got it, handsome! I love you too!