…when only two of seventy students know who Bing Crosby was.
My 7th and 8th grade choir is singing “Perfect Christmas Night” from How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey version). Awesome tune; really swings. The second verse contains the phrase, I got Bing Crosby on, have all my troubles gone…
Minutes after the girls sang through that verse, a hand went up. “What’s Bing Crosby?” Oi. I didn’t even think of talking about him beforehand, and I am usually quite meticulous regarding my singers actually knowing what they’re singing about. So, today, I’m taking the White Christmas DVD to school (I have it on VHS only; thanks for letting me borrow yours, Mavis!), and we’re going to watch the part where Crosby is bunkered in with his platoon on Christmas Eve during WWII, and he sings “White Christmas” to his fellow soldiers, all of whom are silent and preoccupied with thoughts of home, as the bombs go off in the distance. I always bawl during that scene.
I’ll never forget sitting in my dorm room watching TV at Bowling Green State University, 34 years ago this month, and seeing a news bulletin interrupt programming to tell us that Crosby passed away. I was so sad. Of course, I didn’t know then what a dark side he had….but that’s a post for another day. He was still a positively iconic part of my growing-up years. Mother listened to him all the time.
Anyhow, this will give me a good “in” to discuss Irving Berlin with the kids as well. Love that man’s genius. He died too young at 101.
Did you know it’s Finkday? Saints be praised. Big weekend planned — birthday feast and a night out with son Seamus as he celebrates his 31st. Where have the years gone…
NO.NO.NO.NO.NO!!!! Seamus cannot be 31. OI!!! Wasn’t it just a few years ago we were in the mighty S-10 drift busting?? Or hearing him call my DX-7 a “sin-sir-size-er”??? And who can forget him running around the Diamond St. house diaper-less… ???
**SIGH** This getting old business is for the birds…

I know…isn’t it crazy? I told him this morning that I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. Tempus fugit indeed, my friend. Sin-sir-siz-er. I remember that, too! HA