Zoo — Whew!

It was a hot one, lemmetellya fiends. But we had a blast. In spite of the 100-degree heat, we enjoyed the bears (black, brown and polar), lions, lemurs, tiny monkeys, baboons, flamingos, snakes, seals, birds, exotic cats and giraffes. Jake was in charge of the spritz bottle, and we all got multiple mist treatments. I applied and reapplied sunscreen like it was my job (except I forgot my own face. Oi.).

Our geriatric spines may never be the same, but we sure loved our day together. Both boys were great sports about everything, and the Thriller was the ultimate host, making sure we were all as cool and hydrated as we could be.

We. Walked. Everywhere. And everywhere we walked was uphill and six miles to get there. But what a workout, eh?

Behold, the Zootorial…








Fantastic day, short night. Today, we conquer the park. :-)

Grammie Fink

9 thoughts on “Zoo — Whew!

  1. Suzanne

    Sweet!!!! Or should that be Sweat! hahahaha Sounds like a great time for all was had. I bet the flamingos were the bestest!!

    Did Grammie stay awake for the ride back??

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey I wanted to doze off, but I knew I had dinner to make and baths to give when I got home, so no soup for me, alas!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, sweety! I know I tend to dote…but I suppose that’s my right, ja? I mean, me bein’ 49 and all……………………….

      1. BoomR

        [[rolling eyes]] Riiiiiight…..

        BTW, just finished putting clean sheets on your bed in the guest room – all ready for your visit!! Woo-hoo!!

  2. Meg

    What a great trip! I love going to the zoo. It never gets old. There are always knew things to see and enjoy. So glad the family had a nice (hot) day!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      True, Meg — and I hadn’t been to the zoo since my own kids were little. That’s a long drought!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well I just took J & J to their other Grammie’s house to finish out the week until Mommy and Daddy get home. So I’m looking forward to the tiredness passing, believe it! LOL


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