Made you look. You’re right — there’s no such thing. “How many times did you text your boyfriend/girlfriend last night?” “Are you grounded right now?” “What if your mom walked into your room tonight and…?”
You get the idea. But I do like to read them. I admit it. They give me interesting insight into the habits, feelings, opinions and general wackiness of the participant. And what they *don’t* say is often more intriguing than the answers. You know, the “I’m not telling you that” type of response. They make me wonder what the answer might really be. Ok — it makes me wanna ask ’em. I’m nosy like that. Zwut ya git. If you dangle the carrot, expect people to try and yank at it.
After reading TRO’s site this morning, and linking to a cool survey from there, I kifed some questions from that post as well as from other places.
So in the interest of fun, laziness, and basically attempting the impossible, here is an entertaining, somewhat silly, but still grown-up version of a MySpace survey. I promise there will be no questions like, “Who do you like right now?” So please give me some of your responses. I yearn to learn.
MySpace Survey for Grownups
- What was the last thing that made you cry? When my research proposal, red-lined by my prof, was posted in the open class, with my name on it, and offered for public download.
- Could you go a day without eating anything? I have done in the past, but I was pretty sick. I’ve also gone all day without eating when I was very upset (divorce, death of my parents, previous question).
- What was the last thing you ate/drank? Strawberry Shredded Wheat and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Life is friggin’ fantasmagorical.
- Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? Letting others make you feel any certain way is just that: letting them. It’s a choice. I try not to give people permission to “make” me feel certain ways (unless it’s loved, special, cute, like a princess, etc.).
- What is the last thing you yelled aloud? “What…..was THAT!?!” — to my 7th/8th grade choir, when half came in on one verse and half on another.
- What did your last incoming text message say? “I could kill them I’m so mad.” Heh. Awesome.
- How difficult is your life right now? Two letters should answer that: B.U.
- What was the first 45 RPM (or, if you’re not a crusty – tape or CD single) you ever bought with your own money? Wow, that is a tuffy…it was probably “I Want You Back” by the Jackson Five in like 1970. About 5th or 6th grade. Mavis – remember going to the T.I. with our allowance money and buying records?
- What do you wish people would do more? Reserve judgment.
- How easy is it for you to tell people they’ve hurt/upset/offended you? Not very. I tend to sweep it under the carpet so it can blast up to the surface at some other inopportune moment in the face of friends, family or students who don’t deserve it. But, I’m getting better at telling people. I think I’m getting to that age where it is going to get even easier, too.
Ok – your turn – post some answers and don’t be shy. Yes, even those under 40 can participate. I run a non-discriminatory ship here. (Well, with a few exceptions; mean people can go away. And D***d S**l. He can bite me.)
Fink out.