I mean, really. Maybe it’s my mood this morning (as I said a couple of days ago, it’s not been the best week in memory), but I feel like ten miles of bad road — on the inside. I need me some fun, and I see none in my immediate future. I guess I’ll need to go make some. But until then, here is what frames my discontent:
- I haven’t seen Lars and Helen for at least two weeks — and they live eight houses down the street from me. Life is too flippin’ busy.
- Jake fell off the bed and fractured his collar bone (poor baby!), and I can’t get out to see him until tomorrow.
- I have a delightful teacher inservice today. Ask me if I wouldn’t rather have a classroom full of sixth graders than a day full of activities planned by an administrator.
- I hate pondering the all-encompassing domino effect of choices in one’s life. If you really think about it, it’s huge.
- Dinner Theatre rehearsals are a full two weeks behind schedule.
However (and this is a big fat “but”), I try not to hate without a way out, to wit: a long, long time ago, someone had me write down all the negative feelings I could think of, and then go back through the list and devise a way around each one. Therefore, to that end:
- On my way home from the basketball game tonight, I will call Helen and Lars. Set up a time for coffee this weekend.
- After that call, I will call Hannah and see how Jakey’s doing.
- In the big scheme of life, one day of inservice is not so bad. Who knows? Maybe I’ll actually get something out of it (*SniCKeR*).
- Resolve to make better choices today, because it could affect a whole slew of tomorrows.
- Umm…
So, see? It’s not so bad, having plenty of stuff to hate. But you know, misery loves company, so let’s hear your hates. The Fink is here to help you deal with them. I covet your blatherings.
Off to the showers — and then to my own special version of Friday the 13th. Yippy!