Monthly Archives: October 2009

A vicarious visit

I had rehearsal yesterday all afternoon, so I couldn’t make the trip to the Columbus Zoo. Fortunately, thanks to dear friend Jane (Jake’s other grammie), I have some nice photos from their day.

Don’t you hate it when people post photo after photo of their children or grandchildren, as if readers might be interested? Ha ha heh heh heh. Oh COME ON, be a sport. Indulge me. Someday you will know the feeling. I’ll bet RD has to stand on a ladder to unfold the wallet photo collection. But I must admit it’s tons of fun.

And I don’t mean “fun” for the standard, tired reason that many grandparents seem to give, either: I love grandchildren — especially when I can send them home to their parents. That’s not the case with me. I love them because they’re part of Seamus and Hannah, and therefore a part of me. I’d raise ’em by myself in a New York minute.

Anyway…here are the fotos. There are only three, so I’m being kind. :-)


Jake and the snake

Heeere, turtle turtle turtle

Doing some fish gazing


Warning: Non sequitur

I don’t know why I just thought of this, but check it out.  You can search every last one of my 567 posts since February 2008, and not find one instance where I’ve used the word pics to refer to photographs. I hate the word…the mouth feel thing again. I remember back in my early Usenet and IRC days (we’re talking 1994-95, thereabouts, when I first got a dialup connection at home) seeing the word “pics” for the first time. I thought, “Why not just say the 2nd syllable?” It’s a piece of “netspeak” that has just stuck. Me no likey. But you go ahead, by all means. Doesn’t bother me to read it.

I used to have a friend on a lowcarb newsgroup who used the word “pixies” to refer to photos. She’s not with us anymore.

Sheesh I’m a nut job. (But at least I *know* I’m wearing the foil hat.)



I experienced  felonious thoughts last night, and I think I still have them this morning.

J’ever have someone say, “Here, have a cigar,” and when you lit it, it exploded in your face? J’ever have someone in a supervisory position tell you, “This is what I want,” and when you gave it to him, he said, “Oh, that’s not what I wanted.” Such is my life at my present university. And I don’t even smoke cigars.

BTTH for BU. One thing is for certain: the first of December will never, ever get here.

*straightening hair and skirt* OK, I’m over it now. (Not really.)

So how is everyone this fine, chilly morning? I am looking forward to rehearsal. Need to get some road behind us on several numbers. I did give up going to the zoo with Jake today, but…

Everyone likes company. Especially misery. So who do you think deserves a BTTH today (besides me, for being so snarky when I have a wonderful life)?


Share and share alike

Do you have a secret favorite site? If so, you must share it this day so the rest of us might benefit.

I have many, and as you might find completely unsurprising, one of my faves deals with etymology (*yawn*). For those who A) don’t know, or B) do know and don’t care:

et·y·mol·o·gy 1. The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.*

I know: geeky. But I do luv it so. Oh, here it is:

So share one of your favorite sites. Maybe I will bookmark it. It doesn’t have to be about anything geeky, mind. Just something you find really interesting. Ready, steady, go!

Headache this morning….yick. Karma.


* American Heritage Dictionary

Sturm und drang, but also joy

I do miss Finkville lately. If my life weren’t such a crazy hash, things would be smoother. But it’s all good. Rehearsals are going pretty well, and my class…well, it’s my class. Only bad thing is that I’m not seeing Jake and Justin as much as I’d like. Patience, Finkleman. Patience. First of December will be here soon.

But I have good wishes to give out this morning, so join me, yes?

  1. The Thriller has his last major orientation today, before starting his first official seminary class next week. And all the people said…
  2. RtB fiend Bando has another bun in the oven! She’s due this winter. How fantastic is this??
  3. Yay for PK, who just paid off her gargantuan sewing apparatus.
  4. Congrats to Schmink/Old Man Bones who just moved to NYC. Knock ’em dead; keep us posted.
  5. Wishing a good return trip home for BoomR, who’s in Irvine, CA, becoming the nation’s most awesomely awesome wizard on the Flip Video device.
  6. Thumbs-up to D (a silent Finkville citizen), who just bought a 2010 Mustang. (Sorry, David, but it’s tres cool)

Any other great news to share? Let fly.

Weekend’s almost here!

Coffee, shower and (Fink) out.