Dare ya to do it. Five things we don’t know about you. Five opinions that might shock, entertain, delight, enlighten, or evoke feelings of utter ambivalence. Five items that are either personal or professional, good or not so good, silly or sublime, prideful or shameful.
Short lists reveal a lot, I think. Behold:
- Although I think I might have mentioned this someplace before, I believe I am the only high school choir director in the United States who has never seen a single episode of “Glee.”
- There are very few things I truly hate, but #1 on that short list is mean, inconsiderate people. (Passive-aggressives rank a close second, and Pharisees are up near the top as well.)
- I believe that spankings do have an occasional place in the discipline framework of parenting. (If you want to open a protracted discussion on this, I’m game.)
- I think people who say, “I don’t care what anyone thinks,” are likely hiding some issues that would indicate otherwise. If you don’t care what anyone thinks, you really shouldn’t have to say so. You just do what you do. It’s like telling the kids on the playground, “I’m really going home now! I mean it!” after not getting your way.
- I really, really, really, really hate choir warmups. You know, the scales, the solfege, the chorales. I am going to do some experiments this fall with minimizing them.
OK, go. Regular Finkville citizens know I run this blog just as much for interaction and discourse as for blathering on about me, me, me (although I do enjoy that tasty morsel), so you know what to do. Your username and email are probably auto-saved in your browser. I also know there are readers who hide in the shadows, or who only comment once in a great while. Let’s hear from you, too.
Is it Sunday already? Could it possibly mean that in six days, we will be on the road towards the Odyssey? And me without a single plan for what to pack…