Monthly Archives: October 2010

Um…hey. Guys.

I don’t claim to be the brightest note in the measure, and I ain’t no Brainy McSmartyman. But come real close; I have something to tell you.

If you don’t want stuff you’ve said to come back and bite you later, then DON’T MAKE IT SO FOLKS CAN REPRODUCE IT.

The reasoning behind it baffles me. What could they have possibly been thinking? I can only surmise that the following (among others) simply couldn’t imagine the other party ever turning on them:

  • Tiger Woods, golfer
  • Mel Gibson, actor
  • Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC
  • Brett Favre, Vikings quarterback

There are many more, and you don’t have to be famous to have it happen to you. All the above are in trouble via their cell phones. We pretty much know too much information about Gibson and Woods. The other two are providing tantalizing fodder for the wag mags right now — especially Mr. Favre, who is not commenting on allegedly sending a woman pictures of his, um…yeah.

But the cake is baked and taken by Marion Barry. Talk about a survivor — er somethin. Gotta hand it to the voters of the District of Columbia: they’re a forgiving bunch. The man’s rap sheet is a mile long, and he was still elected to public jobs. And if these are for real, nobody should ever make fun of George Bush’s malapropisms again. HA. True or not, I laffed out loud.

Aw, man. Nuts. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted. :-)

Anyway, my point (and I do have one) is that if you don’t want to be bitten later, don’t record it for posterity now. There was a case about 10 years ago in my town, where a 27-year teacher lost everything (job, license, retirement) because of an inappropriate letter he wrote to a female high school student while on the faculty. She kept it and presented it later, I’m assuming when she thought the time was right.

Lord knows I am not Little Miss Can’t-Be-Wrong or a perfect angel. I just hope I can resist the temptation to respond to someone out of anger or heat-of-the-moment carelessness via my phone or email. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid doing it — especially for people like me, who can be reactionary.

Still…ick. Life lesson.

It’s Wemsday. Rehearsals are my life. I am late. Goodbye?

Fink, losin’ it

Here’s what I wish.

I have a dream today.

I wish…

  1. my school loans would go away.
  2. people were nicer to each other.
  3. people would do what they say they’re going to do.
  4. there was one more hour in the day.
  5. people would respect deadlines.
  6. there was a magic bullet.
  7. there were no political parties.
  8. world peace could really happen in my lifetime.
  9. everyone liked me.
  10. I liked everyone.
  11. I had cool hats.
  12. I was 31 years old, but 51 years wise.

What do you wish today? I’ll see what I can do.


Observations for a Sunday

Or, another Random Neuron Firings post. Some days, I simply must exercise the stream-of-consciousness muscle.

  1. My friend Stoney waits like three days before responding to my text messages. *sniffing clothing* Should I be worried? Update: She just responded to my text from last night. :-)
  2. My bank put a fraud block on my debit card Thursday morning, and I freaked. (All was well…they were just looking out for me.)
  3. Mavis and I need to seriously pare down our new recipes to try for Thanksgiving, or our family will never get out of my house without wheelchair assistance.
  4. I want to see Social Network. Has anyone seen it yet? If so, I covet your commentary.
  5. Yesterday’s marathon rehearsal, where we ran Act I for the first time all the way through, wasn’t as much of a train wreck as we thought it would be. Thumbs up.
  6. I continue to fight the extreme temptation to fix mistaken assumptions. I have to be OK with other people’s opinions about me not being my problem.
  7. RD is back in his sunny Florida paradise. Let’s hate him.
  8. I get to see Justin and Jake (and their parents) today after all, and as soon as I’m finished here, I’m going to breakfast with Mavis. Yay! Now, seeing Lars and Helen, and Jon and Simone, would make my weekend truly complete. I hope they’re free for an hour today.
  9. Things at school are getting a bit sticky. Need to bring a can of Pam tomorrow.
  10. As some of you know, my classroom has been infested by wasps. The exterminator came and did his thing on Friday afternoon. I went into my room yesterday before rehearsal and found 12 dead pests — but two very happy, alive ones. This does not bode well.

Finally, I’ve been saving this in my email and forgetting to post it. I found it quite humorous. You’ve probably seen it already, but here it is in case you haven’t. I just wish the creator would have used some righteous spell-check on a couple of the names. Eek. Anyway, they are witty and funny.

If Facebook Existed Years Ago…


All right, enjoy your Sumday. I’m out.


par·a·noi·an. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.

Not that I’m distrustful of anyone, mind (or psychotic, generally). I am leery of some things, and probably with good cause. You know, like car salespeople and internet moneymaking schemes. But on a more personal level, I must admit that the feeling of uncertainty with regard to what others are thinking is not a pleasant experience.

I basically know two kinds of people: 1) those who don’t care what others think, and 2) those who care a great deal about what others think. I’ve really never met anyone in the middle ground, despite what they might claim.

Performance artists generally fall in the “2” category. They may say they perform for the individual fulfillment and fun of it, but I’d be willing to bet that a large part of the picture involves acceptance and validation. But that doesn’t involve paranoia, usually. My personal definition of paranoia, as it relates to me, is not knowing if I’m behaving in a way so as to garner the loyalty of my friends/coworkers/etc. Do any of you feel that way?

*feeling forehead* Am I rambling?

Some would say I worry too much about what others think. They’d probably be right. I’m a 2, mos def. What about you?

Hey, I get to see Helen today! She’s coming to spend the morning with me at school for a college observation assignment. Who’s a lucky rat? :-)


Image: FOX Broadcasting Co.