Monthly Archives: November 2010

Various & Sundry XXIX

Well cripes, it’s about time.

How are you this fine Tubesday morning? I must say there is much on my mind. Several states describe me this day: hopeful, worried, annoyed, sleepy, happy, dopey, grumpy, sneezy, bashful, bewitched, bothered, bewildered…they all fit.

True confession time: For most people, the Christmas holidays are a time of excitement, joy, hustle-bustle, looking forward to spending time with family and friends, hot cocoa and caroling, decorating the tree, shopping and going out to lunch. For me, the Christmas holidays are a bit stressful. I can’t enjoy anything about the holiday until after my concerts are over. Generally, that puts me at around the 16th of December. Then it’s a mad rush to Christmas Eve, smashed within those eight days.

Still, I shouldn’t and can’t complain. One month from today, it’ll all be over for the year (another true confession: I strongly dislike 99% of all Christmas music — maybe it’s because it’s all I do from September through December) and I can begin to look forward to some time off before January hits and Dinner Theatre rehearsals overtake my life.

Not all Christmas music is bad, btw. I cannot listen to this song without openly weeping. I have come from so far away, down the road of my own mistakes…how true. Look up the lyrics; you will also weep. (BoomR, you need to sing this at church this Christmas.)

I wish you a heart full of peace today. We all need it.


Bring on the recipes

Flipping channels on the sofa last night brought some interesting results.

First, if you haven’t watched the History Channel series WWII in HD, you really must. Excellent, and not a rehash of oft-seen footage like many WWII docus. I learned an awful lot about the Air Force last night. I had no idea that Andy Rooney (resident curmudgeon on 60 Minutes) was an “embedded” reporter with the 8th Airborne for Stars and Stripes. It was especially heartbreaking to hear his retelling of watching a crippled B-17 bomber return after a mission, unable to lower its landing gear — with the ball turret gunner trapped in his plastic cage on the bottom of the plane. Of course, the plane had to land, and the man was crushed. Horrifying. I also had no clue that the air war in Germany was launched with the sole purpose of preparing the Normandy shore for D-Day.

There are very few WWII vets alive these days (most are in their 90s), and this show gave us three. It was excellent; highly recommended.

Then I happened upon the Food Network’s Thanksgiving program. Ha! Bring on the turkey day recipes. I tag-team watched it with Mavis, and we were texting back and forth during the show about which recipe would be good to try. I think we’ve narrowed it down to two. (Three?)

That brings me to this morning’s burning question: What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods? Care to share? Give a description and maybe we can share recipes. Mavis and I are always in the market to try something new. Come on, turkeys. Give it up.

Speaking of cooking…it’s time to hit the shower, make the coffee, and wait for chef’s assistant Lars to get here. He’s such a good boy.


Hello, diabetic coma.

First, there was the turducken — a nested-bird dish reminiscent of centuries past, now enjoying renewed popularity (recipe here). Now there’s Pumpple Cake, courtesy The Flying Monkey Bakery in Philadelphia.

It’s a pumpkin pie inside chocolate cake and an apple pie inside yellow cake, all held together with a lot — we’re talking inches — of vanilla buttercream frosting. I actually joked about it in an email to the family yesterday, asking if anyone dared Mavis and me to make one of these monstrosities for Thanksgiving.

Well, after reading some reviews about it, I think we should probably pass. Besides, at 1800 calories per slice, our pancreases will thank us.

Here’s something fun, though, and something anyone could do at home for gifts. Chocomize has come up with the really personalized chocolate bar. I like that idea. Why didn’t I think of this? They’re turning a profit after only four months in business. That ain’t right.

Still, I might have to consider this as a gift idea for my fiends this Christmas. Anyone willing to put in an order? I’ll be yer huckleberry.

On the health front: I’m coughing a bit less. That is a good thing. Last night, I watched Sweeney Todd while camping out on the couch. “Epiphany” has to be one of the top five numbers I’ve ever seen in a musical — live or on film. Johnny Depp was simply brilliant. (And I don’t say that just because I heart him. Well…OK that’s partially why.)

Happy Salterday – I hope you’re doing something fun. Me? Not so much. But tomorrow is going to be classic. Bring on the birthday feasts…

Ouch and ouch

My ear.

All right, I’ve taken the day off school and I am calling the doctor. I hate doing that (both taking sick days and calling the doctor). But I have no voice left, and that stabbing, sharp pain in my left ear is starting to make me mad. What’s up with that? I did some research on it and found lots of nothing in particular.

But first, some hot tea, and pay a stack of bills. Then the fun begins. Maybe I can get Mavis to ride along with me to the doc. At least I’d have one thing to look forward to this morning!

Have a good Finkday, fiends. Mine’s gonna bite. Boo hoo, waaah, crybaby crybaby.



Random Neuron Firings

  • I read an article about a gal who lost an election after racy pictures from her past were posted on Facebook. The article never said a word about her name. It made me giggle.
  • There are few fashion trends I despise more than those from the 1990s. And yes, I was guilty of most of them. Here’s what I mean. Haha.
  • Regarding the previous link: guys at my school are STILL wearing baggy pants.
  • Tonight, I’m taking the Thriller to Applebee’s for dinner, where veterans eat free. I hope we can get a table in under 2 hours.
  • Ouch, my ear hurts. This cold is making me mad.
  • Mavis’s birthday feast is Sunday. We’re combining it with friend (and the Js’ other grammie) Jane’s birthday as well — should be a fun day.
  • I’ve just discovered that I would really like to take some NyQuil and go back to bed. But I’d much rather get ready and go to school. Wouldn’t you?
