I believe:
- that life is incomplete without music, visual art and dance.
- that many parents are products of fractured childhoods, the entrails of which they then pass on to their children.
- it’s possible to break the cycle.
- that most nasty, unkind and uncaring people are positively crippled by low self-esteem.
- that children openly arguing and verbally sparring with adults is no longer the exception, but the rule.
- it’s possible to break that cycle, too.
- that good conversation is becoming a lost art.
- it’s possible that the Cleveland Browns could go down in history as the solitary NFL team never to play in a Super Bowl. (Yes, I believe the Lions, Jags and Texans will all get there first.)
- you can fight with a friend or loved one and still be OK afterwards.
- for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows. (
— just checking to see if you’re paying attention)
- that most kids are so petrified of peer rejection, their true passions, aspirations, and even identity can lie buried for years — or forever.
- that one can live with the consequences of one’s decisions and still be happy.
- that the weather is going to positively smoke my rehearsal schedule this week. But I’m OK with it. Really.
- that the lousy St*****s will win the Super Bowl just to spite me. But I will rest in the knowledge that at least they’ve lost one; the 49ers went 5-0. Eat that, Armpittsburgh.
Fink, channeling #4, football edition