Monthly Archives: May 2012

Getting there

Well it’s almost sold out. Tickets remain for the matinee, but otherwise, we’re full up. Can’t shove any more bodies in there. How about that?

We sort of expected it would happen for a popular show like this. I just hope we can live up to everyone’s expectations. From the movie, I mean.  Thing is, the Broadway show bears limited resemblance to the film version in many places. Profanity and general raunchiness are the biggest differences; they cleaned up a lot of it for the movie. And since we’re doing the “school version” (written by original Grease scriptwriter Warren Casey so schools in more conservative districts — like mine — could do the show), there are also several plot omissions.

For instance, there’s no pregnancy issue with Rizzo. It’s been completely excised from the story. And of course, all profanity has been removed and some lyrics replaced (most notably, the words to “Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee” and “Greased Lightnin'”).

Actually, the book was so squeaky clean, we replaced a few of the lines with their original counterparts. For instance, the school version has Danny singing (in “Summer Nights”), “We told jokes under the dock…”

Seriously? Hahaha yeah, we changed that back to “We made out…”. Some of the changes are ridiculous.

Some people may not realize that three signature songs from the movie — “Hopelessly Devoted to You,” “Grease is the Word (main theme),” and “You’re the One That I Want” — are not included in the Broadway version. We added “You’re the One” and “Hopelessly” — I just had to write my own arrangements of them, and there’s a line of text we had to add to the program for copyright purposes. That said, there are a few songs in the Broadway version (and not in the film) that are fantastic!

And “Greased Lightnin'”? That’s Kenickie’s feature, not Danny Zuko’s. Travolta put his foot down in the movie production, reportedly insisting that the song be his.

Um, question to Samuel French (the pirates): If everyone wants to include the songs from the movie anyway, why not just put them in the original score??

Still, all craziness and idiotic complications aside, this has been a good run, and I hope they’re up to the task next weekend.

Next weekend. Oy.

T minus…

Days of school left:  15
Days till opening night:  12
Days till my first of two spring concerts:  14
Days till graduation (last performance of the year):  21
Days till we leave for the New England Odyssey:  55

Seems I’m counting down everything lately. Usually, a countdown makes you feel hopeful; excited. Not so with a couple of these, unfortunately, as they are fraught with uncertainty. Can I just say I am glad that after this year, we won’t have the musical in May anymore? :-)

Off to my Monday…hey, what are you counting down? Anything I should know about?


Random Neuron Firings

  1. Either I ordered the wrong pair of Wayfarers, or they sent me the wrong color. Either way, I’m happy. :-)
  2. I’d eat this.
  3. OK. I love the idea of making your own fizzy lifting drinks (actually, I just like to say fizzy lifting drinks), but isn’t this a trifle too much work?
  4. We hadn’t even started rehearsal last night, and I was on the warpath. Nearly reached critical mass. Very uncomfortable beginning. (Fortunately, things improved.)
  5. Me wanty.
  6. Cue awesome Lalo Schifrin theme song in 5/4 meter.
  7. OK, but why?

All right, enough looking for cool stuff this morning. Time to get going on the sound plot for Grease, then 68 other things. I shouldn’t complain, though; when I woke up with a start at 4:50 this morning, I thought it was Monday.



At the end of the day, you’re another day older.

Heh. Sorry for the lame Les Mis reference, and that’s not what I mean anyway. I mean that at the end of the day, if you have done your best, if you’ve treated people with kindness and respect, if you’ve been honest with and loving to your family and friends, and if you are grateful for the blessings in your life — then you have no choice but to experience at least some contentment.

In spite of some unexpected scenarios popping up with the show, and the requisite stress that comes with encroaching performances and hanging details, I am largely content this day.

We don’t allow ourselves to experience it often enough, in my opinion. Americans are seemingly hard-wired to fret and scheme and wring every possible minute of work out of every day. It’s like if we’re not exhausted by 10 p.m., we have wasted the last 24 hours. We have to stop that.

What if we were to say, “I am going to deal with my life today projecting an attitude of contentment, to wit, if I can’t change a thing, I will work around it/with it. I won’t let it destroy my day or rob me of joy.” Imagine the worry (which solves nothing) and stress (which’ll eventually kill you) you will avoid. That hasta count for something.

OK, fiends. Ready, steady, do it. Try on some contentment for size.

Girls of Summer

She got her hair slicked back and Wayfarers on, baby…

Yes, after reading a post on Facebook this morning from Suzanne, admiring a pair of Ray-Bans, I had to go make my first purchase of the summer: some Wayfarers. In fact, I got this exact pair — with the girly flowers on them. Whatever do you think?

Twenty-three days, and I will be that much closer to wearing them on the beaches of Cape Cod and Bar Harbor…

Aren’t they adorable? (The glasses, not the beaches.)

Cute Fink