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Monthly Archives: March 2013
J’ever have one of those?
And by “one of those,” I mean “mornings when you get up thinking it’s Friday.”
Yeah, that was today.
And j’ever have one of those evenings when you’re three quarters of the way home from work (I have a 22-mile drive), and you realize you forgot something really important, and it’s too late to turn back to get it?
Yeah, that was last night.
But then, j’ever get some really good news when you got home, and it made it all better?
That was last night, too. Rousseau had a great visit with our new vet, and the Thriller and I are very pleased with the outcome, the treatment plan, and the prognosis. Yay!
So that’s not so bad after all. Anything fun happen to you yesterday? Today? At least *tomorrow* is Friday. But for now…the shower, the road, the school house, the rehearsals. Happy Whatever Day It Is!
There’s snow question that blizzard missed us.
We were supposed to get 6 inches, and got what…half an inch? I guess it was pretty bad south of here, but the storm definitely passed us by.
Truth be told, I don’t like closings and delays during rehearsal runs (unless the closing happens on a Friday — then I’m all yay). No schools delayed or closed in the area — yet. Strange that the local university and seminary are both closed; maybe it’s because of the faculty having to drive in from down south. Just got back in from letting the dog out, and it’s not “cold” at all. Good. And I just checked the weather at school (22 miles northwest of here), and it’s already 36 degrees. No white-knuckle driving this morning. PTL.
Still, it’s Wednesday and time to get ready to go shape young voices — all day and all evening. Have a good one, fiends — this is likely the last snow of the season, which means spring is on the way!
Do NOT go here IX
Do NOT go here. Don’t do it. Matter of fact, stay away from the entire site — especially the random interior links to other lists, located at the bottom of each page, and the main category navs at the top.
Just a PSA, FYI. I’m tellin’ ya. I’ve been up since 4:50, and fully half of that time (it’s now 5:54) has been spent there. Now look what you made me do. I’ve gotten nothing done I wanted to do before leaving for school.
It’s OK, though. I’ll make up for it tonight after rehearsal. Then I shall watch my recorded episode of Once Upon a Time, get caught up on some writing, take some NyQuil, and crash. Sounds like a good Monday to me. Yay!
Weekend Update
I swear, Rousseau knows when it’s Saturday. He knows when I don’t set my alarm for 5 a.m., as that’s his cue to make sure I get up to take him outside at five.
Oh, well. I have to be up anyway, because today is fingerprinting day. No, I haven’t been arrested (yet). I have to renew my teaching license one final time!!! :-), so off to the Sheriff’s Department I go for the obligatory processing and FBI check.
Good part about that: Mavis and I get to have a long-overdue palaver. We’ll do some grocery shopping together, then have breakfast while the Thriller gets the Finkmobile’s oil changed. Then the work day starts, but we won’t talk about that right now.
Let’s talk about Little Shop of Horrors. Excellent show yesterday, followed by the best part: lunch in my room. The day was enjoyed by all, and I was very proud of my students, who dressed up beautifully and behaved with great class.
I will never understand the sight of high school students showing up to a theater performance in pajama pants; yet, it happened. Call me a relic, call me what you will. Say I’m old-fashioned, say I’m over the hill. I care not.
So I taught all of one class yesterday, then came home to run errands with the Thriller. We have a house guest for the next three weeks, while Kay and Bob are in Slovenia. Drago (or, as I prefer to call him, Drag, the Impaler on account of how he likes to demand that you pet him by digging his little claws into your arm) is an awesome pup who gets on Rousseau’s everlast nerve, as pups are supposed to do. He is a wonderful addition to the household, and provides lots of laughs.
I find it hilarious that if we are eating chicken, cereal, or peanut butter sandwiches, the dogs have no interest in what’s on our plates. But beef tips and gravy over noodles drives them absolutely bonkers, and forces them into decidedly un-gentlemanly behavior.
How rude, truly.
So, what’s your weekend update? Do tell, as I always covet your articulate and compendious commentary. I’m off to the big house to get booked for future crimes against education.