We’ve all done it. I mean, really. We’ve all said, “Thus-and-so is incredibly overrated.” I know I have. A partial personal list contains everything from singers and bands to ideas and events:
- Janis Joplin
- Billie Holiday (I know: strange, coming from a jazz singer, but…)
- Celine Dion
- Cher
- The Super Bowl (unless the Browns are in it, so…yeah, I’m safe)
- Partisan politics
- Graduate degrees
- Channing Tatum
- Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Yep, I said it.)
- Ohio State University
Of course, all of the above are based solely on subjective interpretation. Who’s to say Janis Joplin is overrated? Why should you care what I think — especially if you own every one of her albums and listen to her every day? It’s not that I’m saying she was a bad singer (although her voice on “Piece of My Heart” reminds me of someone screaming, “Get out! The building’s on fire!”); rather, I’m saying that assigning world-changing importance to her voice and her accomplishments is stretching it a bit.
And I should clarify #11. Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about the Fabs. But that doesn’t mean I swoon over everything they did. In fact, they wrote bad music on occasion. I could name 10 Beatles tunes I hate. Sergeant Pepper’s LHCB was an innovative project for its time. Lots of “firsts” on that record, for sure. But the music…with the possible exception of “She’s Leaving Home,” there’s not a single song from that album that I’d put on “repeat” on my playlist. If you ask me — and by “me,” I mean a Beatles fanatic — I’d point to Revolver or Rubber Soul as far more deserving of mountain-top status than SPLHCB.
What’s on your “overrated” list? Anything we should know about? Fire away in the comments.