30 Day Challenge 30

Day 30
Tell about a recent change in your life; say, over the past year or so.

My health has totally gone south! I hate it. I’ve never been sickly, ever. And it’s not that I’m “sick” sick, like throw-up or headcold sick. It’s that my parts ain’t working so well anymore. Well let me tell you, this is the Summer of Repair. I don’t want anything to ruin the upcoming Odyssey, to get in the way of playing with the Js, or to complicate the massive choreography that needs to take place over the next few months. Not happening. Just call me Howard Beale.

So, what are your ch-ch-ch-changes? Bet you have some.

11 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge 30

  1. Meg's Mom

    Actually there have been two major changes in our lives.

    First…our youngest graduated from high school a year ago and has completed her first year of college. She adjusted beautifully…and much to my surprise…we survived and actually discovered that the empty nest will not kill you. We were blessed to be actively involved in raising our family longer than most parents…32 years of kiddos at home to be exact. We loved every minute (well, almost) and now find that it’s just as amazing to be the parents of adults. Grandkids, of course, are the icing on the cake. Cool stuff all around.

    Second…and not so wonderful. We are watching the decline of my mother’s health both physically and mentally. This, I believe, is harder than 32 years of parenting all rolled into one.

  2. Skylar

    I’m not sure it’s as obvious to others, but I’ve gained a lot of confidence this year. I don’t know why. I also graduated high school and made an astounding number of new friends that I’ll have during college and maybe beyond that. I found a campus that feels more like home than Hometown.

    Maybe we should get you a bubble to stay in until the Odyssey. :P

  3. Meg

    The indepence of college this year (and years to come) has been nothing but wonderful for me. I find myself growing into the woman I want to be and I am more motivated than ever to persevere through my schooling to be the PT I desire to be. Also through my job and volunteering near campus I’ve had a surprising change of heart this past year for those who are severely disabled and handicapped. They are people just like you and I trapped in their bodies by a disease or physically weakness. Their happiness isn’t measured by their possessions or achievements; all they need to be happy is attention, nurture, and love. Most “normal” people need much more than that to be happy. My heart has grown passionate to help people like this so I am excited to see where my career takes me. I’m also excited to continue with college not only to learn but to continue “growing up” and transforming into who I want to be.

    P.S. It was great to see that pretty face of yours for 32 seconds yesterday! :)

  4. BoomR

    I’m sort of with you…the old body just ain’t as nimble and flexible as it used to be. Mostly back & neck stuff. Thankful for a good chiropractor, though :-) Most frequently heard phrase around our household:

    “I think I slept wrong last night…”


  5. Suzanne

    Almost the same as you. Trying to get this extra weight off so I can walk a marathon next summer. That’s 2012. :) If I don’t get the weight off then walking it will be pure he**.

  6. Lori

    I find myself at a major life change (no, not THAT life change. Give me a couple of years!). After being a work-at-home mom for 22 years, that chapter of my life is coming to an end. Having real depression when the first son left home two years ago, I’m trying to ready myself for the baby leaving. His three weeks in Germany this summer will be a good test. So, while I don’t regret for a minute being home with my kiddos, now comes the real challenge! Whatever am I going to do with myself!? Who’s going to need me now?

  7. PKPudlin

    In December 2010, I reached my goal weight with a total loss of 82.6 lb!! At the same time, the music store from which I was renting a teaching space closed, forcing me to do what I had been considering for some time, which was striking out on my own. Melody Music Studios, LLC was formed in January. It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride, but for the most part has come together quite nicely, considering I only had 2 weeks’ notice.

    @ Lori: THAT change ain’t as bad as one might think – it’s rather liberating in fact. :)


  8. Kodye

    I’ve stopped trying to harness the hopes and dreams of orphans to fuel my evil inventions. I strictly use solar power now. Even evil is going green.

  9. Country Mouse

    I’m right with you Lori!!
    My youngest just graduated from HS and will be headed off to college in the fall and my oldest will be a senior in college. As I’ve said before – I’ve spent the last 21 years having my #1 job being their Mom. I echo that sentiment….who will need my now????
    I adjusted fairly quickly when the oldest went away but I still had his little brother around….guess maybe I’ll get reacquainted with my spouse and the cat!!
    I know my kids are not going to completely “done with me” but it certainly won’t be the same. Having been extremely involved in school activities come fall I will find myself having given up 3 very time consuming and challenging “jobs”. Not only will I have a void to fill with my time but I will need to find something to challenge my brain and satisfy my need to “be in charge”!! I’ve already taken on one new job and I have some thoughts about some more and I guess my other “jobs” will just get more quality time!!!
    I also had to admit in the past couple of months that I can’t physically keep doing what I’ve always done and not pay for it!! My friend Rat Fink helped me figure that one out!
    All in all change is good!!!! I just keep telling myself that!!!!

  10. Rat Fink Post author

    Whoa — what one year can bring. Every person who posted found something positive, even though there were (and are) great challenges along for the ride. I heart you all! And for CM and Lori — I agree with PK. There is indeed life after the nest empties out. It’s just another amazing adventure; this time, with YOU as the star. Country Mouse and I have talked about it already, and I think she has a great attitude about it. But the mom in me totally identifies with “Who will need me now?” We’re such nurturers…

    Then there’s Kody’s backhanded Count Olaf reference. This is why I love you, Eddie. You are completely, unabashedly, unapologetically weird.


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