Alas, sleep

Where have you gone?  8-O

Fink here, posting from the Crowne Plaza in Columbus. Up since 3:30 and ready for another long day.

On the upside, I’ve seen some cool people and things so far. Too bad some of the stuff I really want to see takes place when I’m either in a meeting or working at the booth in the exhibit hall. Why can’t I just have everything I want?

This is the first time in quite a while I’ve attended this convention without the Thriller in tow. I reveled in the solitude of my room for about an hour — then I was like, OK, what do I do now? There’s no one to talk to. So before drifting off with the light, the Nook and the glasses still on, I watched Exporting Raymond on HBO. Very interesting and funny documentary about the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond taking his show to Russian television.

So today, it’s booth work, a couple of sessions and a concert. Best go try to find some coffee, because this diesel fuel they stock in the in-room coffeemakers just isn’t cutting it.

Am I snarky this morning? Do I have a fever? I’m not feeling like myself. Perhaps I need more music geekery to brighten my mood.

Ummm…maybe not. :-P


8 thoughts on “Alas, sleep

  1. Mavis

    Hoping today is a good one for you, sweetie! The Thriller will be on his way tomorrow – then it’s fun time together for a while! I think it’s great the way you two lovebirds miss each other. :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It’s been great so far, thanks Mave — but crazy! And as much as I’m enjoying the events here, I am looking forward to escaping tomorrow. And seeing the Thriller, of course! We’re like each other’s comfy slippers, LOL


  2. Rae

    Um… this will make it a new record. Eight people have asked me if I was going to convention. That will be twice as many that asked me in Mid-Winter in 2011. Weird.

    Though I am plenty jealous, because up until 2011 and 2012, I had been at every convention since 2001. Weird. But, I am content with being up in Cleveland most of the weekend instead. :) As I should be!

    I hope all is going well and that, even if it may not be possible with your brain working like it is, you get some sleep soon. I thought I was finally “caught up” with sleep, then this morning… I thought I was fine… and three espressos later, I’m finally starting to feel like a whole person. I have hugged AND kissed dearest Heffe in your honor. One day soon, I will hope to receive the set for myself in person. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      And that is how it should be — content being up in Cleveland. We have to get together soon! And give H another hug for me. Tea this week? Or maybe meet for ONE espresso? (Otherwise we’ll both have to be peeled off the ceiling)



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