When I chose the title for this post, WordPress reminded me that there was already an entry by that name — from 2008. Yipes. Glad I didn’t do what I was considering back then. Ha.
Anyway. Am I mental for the following?
Life would be grand if…
- I never again saw a toilet in a Facebook profile photo. If you have teenagers on your friend list, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
- I never again saw a Facebook status post that contained only song lyrics (with no artist credit, of course).
- there was a Facebook script that auto-detected photos containing the duck-face-and-peace-sign pose, causing the perpetrators’ profiles to be instantly deleted and their IPs permanently banned. Along with the profiles of their progeny.
- Oreos were thermogenic.
- there was a cure for osteoarthritis.
- I could just have *one* more week of Christmas break. (I know, stop whining.)
- it would snow bigtime just once soon, so the Thriller could use the shiny new snowblower he got for Christmas. I’ve never known him to actually wish for a snowstorm until now.
What do you wish for today? I know my list was a skosh tetchy, but sometimes it just helps to blab it all out there, you know? Let fly with your snark. I’m yer huckleberry.
I would give you my last week of break if I could. Reading and practicing can only do so much.
I’m ready to go back. XD
I can imagine! Time to get back to the college grind…
Ha! I laughed out loud at #1 and #3. I will ditto those snarks.
And what do I wish you ask? I wish…that the fink would join me for breakfast soon so I can see her. The end.
Right!! Text on the way!