And more shopping

If I want the holiday gifts to be wrapped and ready on time, I have to get started. But I’ll keep the Finkmobile parked at the house, thanks.

I do most of my Christmas shopping online; it’s a ton easier, and this year, lots of merchants are offering free shipping in addition to sale prices. Bonus. Why schlep through the malls? I mean, there’s the whole experiential thing, but I’m not much for that unless lunch is involved. And chocolate. Chocolate and lunch, in that order.

Admittedly, I just don’t have the ambition to do what daughter-in-law Hannah does every year: Black Friday. But does she ever get some great deals. She’s got them scouted out already. I hope she doesn’t run into any fistfights this year…

I might shop as well on Black Friday — from my parlor. I suppose I should adopt some kind of shopping tradition that involves family fun. Mavis and I usually equate shopping all day long with getting a root canal. We’re such party poops. What traditions do y’all have? I know Tom Hanks’s family celebrates Hanksgiving to ring in the holiday season. Other families have Black Friday outings. Maybe I should come up with an idea or two. Or maybe not. *turns up space heater, gets another cup of coffee*

Jake and Justin tonight — four thumbs up.


8 thoughts on “And more shopping

  1. Tom Hanks

    Sounds like the right idea to me. I usually put it off until the last second. By then the weather is bad and I get slush in my shoes.

    Working at best buy this year should make black friday interesting.

  2. Mavis

    When I was in my 20’s, I couldn’t wait for the day after Thanksgiving – shopping day!! Now – forget it. It can get crazy out there. Besides, I’d be too polite with the other shoppers…*excuse me, excuse me. Oh, sorry, pardon me* My solution? (start the angels singing and harps playing)….Gift cards.


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