Are we nuts?

Probably. But we’re going to the Cleveland zoo anyway today, despite temperatures likely reaching the mid-90s, with lots of lovely humidity pushing the heat index to over 100.

Armed with sunscreen, a spray-nozzle bottle of water (for misting purposes — keep those boys cool), a double stroller, two full sippy cups, and plans to not stay all day long, we should have a blast. Bring on the wildlife.

Jake’s looking forward to the monkeys the most. I will report back with the day’s high jinks.

Happy Tubesday, and for those fiends with real jobs, rejoice that it’s a short week!


8 thoughts on “Are we nuts?

  1. PKPudlin

    Did you ever teach your kids the Peter Paul and Mary song about the zoo? It’s lots of fun and easy enough for them to learn. They’d love to have a zoo song.

    Have fun!


    1. Fink on the road

      Well don’t you know I went off and forgot it. And the digital camera too! S’ok tho. Took the Droid and got some good ones. :-)


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