
We are officially behind schedule. Did some math last night, and this show is going to arrive right under the wire. Might even have to cut a number. It’s OK though. It’s happened before; probably will again.

Aren’t we funny creatures? Change. Heh. The times, they are a changin’. A change will do you good. I’ve got to change my evil ways, baby. Time may change me, but I can’t trace time (I’ve never figured out what that meant – I think Bowie wrote it that way just to confuse folks). I thought I was dealing really well with the time change on Dinner Theatre (we moved it from March to November), but I think it’s taking a toll on me in the “unknown” department.

I know, I know. “Isn’t a 7-week rehearsal schedule a 7-week rehearsal schedule?” Yes, and no. Kids are involved in different sports and other activities, which means different schedules somewhat, and the overall vibe is different in the fall. That, and they’re a little greener in the fall. We have to get the mojo back on the dance floor faster, and the energy back in the voices sooner.

OK, stop whining. I have to believe in the kids’ resolve and talent. They’ve never let me down before. Mm-mm–mm.  Great, now that song’s stuck in my head all day.

Have I thanked you recently for suffering through my self-absorbed drivel? Let me do so right now if I haven’t. Feel free to leave advice; I will always read and heed. Well, unless you tell me to stop doing shows, seein’ as how they cause me such angst. Alas…like the Thriller told me once: “You can’t NOT do them.” He’s right. And so terribly cognizant of what makes me me. Gotta have that vicarious stage thrill.

Speaking of stage — there’s one leaving in 40 minutes, and I have to be on it. Make it a Tunesday for the record books. And congrats to BoomR, who had his first day on the new job yesterday. Wahoo!

7 thoughts on “Blah

  1. Rae

    GREAT. Now I have that song stuck in my head… hah. Darn you Billy Joel! and your “Mmm – mm – mm – ooo mmm”….

    Not to be cold and cynical, but… I’m dealing with some stage withdraw myself. As in “Never Again” stage withdraw, so… the opposite of what you’re saying. It’s tough and there aren’t a whole lot of people out there who are going to understand what you’re going through. For me, it’s “I never want to do it again”, for you it’s “I never want to not do it again”. Either way, it sucks. But… acceptance is the first part of just moving the heck on. If you’re gonna do it, DO IT and try to do it well. That’s all anyone can expect. There is no perfect…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ack, you spoke the words: there is no perfect. I hate it when you’re right. HA

      Score on the never wanting to not do it again, but listening to your body creak should take precedence over any vicarious performing Jones, fo sho. Crap! Hate it. And you’re not performing anymore?? WHY???

  2. BoomR

    …and my second day is history, too. Still in learning & ramp-up phase for the next couple weeks, butbi think this is going to be a great job with good people…. AGAIN!!

    And as luck would have it, I must travel to Santa Ana, CA this coming Sun night & attend an induction training classvall next week! That part of OC is also home to my old job’s HQ, so will get to enjoy seeing my old Cisco boss & co-workers… All on the new company’s dime!! Gotta love that!! :D

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        I’m so glad you had a great 2nd day, and that you’re going to get to reconnect with some old pals. Yay! I went to your new firm’s website, and they are worldwide indeed. You in da bigtime nah! :P


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