Naw, not that kind of bond issue. We don’t pass those crazy things where I teach. They’re defeated by 70%. We don’t need no money for no schools…(hey, I’m not bitter).
Rather, I’m talking about Bond. James Bond.
I read a review for Quantum of Solace last night, and I think I want to see it. Then I got to thinking about all the Bond films I’ve seen, and all the Bond actors. I feel I must rate them.
All-Time #1 – Sean Connery
He’s the original (well, he’s technically the second) Bond, and in my mind, the best. Handsome and debonair, even in his seventies.
#2 – Roger Moore
Loved his deadpan deliveries and bad-boy grin. Cutie-pie.
#3 – Pierce Brosnan
Maybe it’s because of my fond memories of his Remington Steele days, but he rates #3 for pure handsome, and that English, boyish je ne sais quoi.
#4 – Daniel Craig
Meh. (Sorry, Jason!)
#5 – George Lazenby
Haven’t seen On Her Majesty’s Secret Service in about 30 years.
#6 – Timothy Dalton
Never did anything for me. Kinda evil looking, actually.
So how do you rate the Bond Boys? (And it doesn’t have to be for cuteness…it can be for acting ability, toughness, or overall similarity to Ian Fleming’s original conception.)
Fink out.
Connery is the best. But Craig is second. Both are more true to the books than the others. I liked Roger Moore as The Saint but he was just too upper-crust to be Bond. And the other three were pretty much wastes.
I’m with TRO on that one for the exact same reasons. My list has Roger Moore near the bottom – was just never a big fan. FWIW…
1. Connery (“Man talk.” You can’t get away with that anymore.)
2. Craig
3. Moore (by shear number of movies alone)
4. Lazenby (a bad Bond, really, but an excellent spy)
5. Brosnan (more playboy than Bond…)
6. Dalton (I saw Rocketeer with him as the bad guy well before I knew he was ever Bond. Perfect evil character, actually.)
Cool – at least we all agree (so far) on who should be #1!
Roger Moore IS James Bond to those of us who grew up during his tenure. And think about it, he had the toughest job, follow Connery. Nowadays we know that role is musical chairs, but back then, not so.
PS Technically, your lists omit the very, very first Bond. hint- he was not British.
I’m with TRO, although there is a HUGE gap between Craig at #2 and whoever ends up being #3. Connery is, was and will always be the quintessential Bond in my mind.
Ross – Look at the link underneath Connery’s picture, friend. I did link to the article about Nelson, but to me, an adaptation for TV doesn’t count as a major motion picture. Did you just look at the pictures and not read the article today? *snicker*
You and I must be close to the same age, as I was also actively watching Bond films (at least at the theater) when Moore was starring in them. I loved him, too. Close 2nd for me.
I feel out of the loop. I’ve never watched a Bond flick.
Yes, I overlooked it, and no I didn’t overlook it. It says Connery’s ‘technically’ the second Bond, but ‘technically’ he’s the third. If that link said as much and went to the Pete Best of Bond, Lazenby, then it would be accurate. You seem anxious to overlook Nelson and count him at the same time. I think what’s funny is that in the show they called him Jimmy.
And at any rate, all you said was “all the Bond films I’ve seen, and all the Bond actors.” The relationship between those clauses is ambiguous. Because I wanted to be a show-off I took them to be independent- it was convenient.
The Bond debate is a fun one, and a rare one. How often do people do this over Batman? (michael keaton, by the way). I can associate with Roger Moore as well because of what he brought to the character; he wasn’t ruthless like Connery, he was self-effacing and fun. And he quit because he was embarrassed about romancing women half his age- good, noble, humble Roger Moore.
Geez, I have to be on my toes from now on…thanks for the clarification, Ross.
PS – the music from the Keaton Batman was the awesomest ever. Prince friggin’ rules.
S’ok, Kody — I’ve never heard anything by the Arctic Monkeys.
Is it bad that I’ve never seen a James Bond movie? Ever?
O.O Without knowing about all that, though, Sean Connery is the best actor out of all of them, IMO.
This discussion sort of reminds me of this past Sunday night @ my gig. I was in a 70’s/80’s flashback mood, so the first 90 minutes was Eagles, Billy Joel, Elton John, Commodores/Lionel Richie, Christopher Cross, Air Supply, Ambrosia, Gladys Knight, Tina Turner, James Taylor.
All of the androgynous young club kids that were there spent most of the time looking at me like I had 3 noses, and started yelling “Play some Britney or Kylie!” or “Do you know any David Archuleta?” (it’s bad enough they spend most of their time primping in all the mirrors, smoking their cigarettes trying to be adults, drinking water & not tipping the bartender, let alone the musician behind the piano). My response to them: “Do you think this near-50 yr old fat bald guy with gray in his beard could pull off Britney in a million years??”
All of the old farts sitting around the bar laughed… At least THEY appreciate live music, applaud at the end of a song & know to tip their server & entertainer! Besides, they were digging what I was doing. It wasn’t until I did Edwin McCain, Hootie & the Blowfish, and a couple Matchbox 20 songs that the club kids finally stopped looking at the video screens & actually listened…
(BTW, that previous post was assuming that the folks on here who said they’ve never seen a James Bond movie were some of the younger readers
HA – Boom Boom, that reminds me of our old APEX days.
After we’d play a solid hour of jazz and standards, we’d get a request, like, oh…
“Don’t you guys do any jazz?”
“Um…yeah. Who did you have in mind?”
“Kenny G.”
@ Skylar – nope, it’s not bad at all! There are a lot of movies that some consider “classics” which I have not seen. ‘Sides, JB films aren’t the be-all, end-all. Johnny Depp films are.
To those of you that have never seen a Bond movie, just see one. Oh, and don’t see the new ones, see Goldfinger or something. I don’t even really care if you like it or not. It’s important that you see something that is such a part of American culture. Everyone should also see Rocky, Star Wars, Jaws, ET, Back to the Future, and Indiana Jones. (If I missed some, sorry…) It’s just an experience that will explain a lot of other things about our culture.
Johnny D. is amazing.
Mr. Stein – how very commanding of you. (kidding kidding… sort of.)