This school video is kind of cool. It was shot with a single camera in one long, unedited take — no small task when you consider the timing involved and the number of individual locations (and bodies) used. I was entertained.

And what a school! Must be nice. It’s located in Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France.

And speaking of movies and Halloween…do you agree with the Boston Globe’s list of the 50 scariest movies ever?

I still want the shoes. I may get them yet. Wonder if they have them in a size 5…

Edit: I just checked. They start at size 6. Apparently, women with small feet don’t get the cool shoes. I am crushed.

Fink out.

3 thoughts on “BoOoOoOOo

  1. TRO

    The French must age quickly because those are the oldest-looking high schoolers I have ever seen.

    Hope you find the shoes . . . pics will be appreciated if you do.


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