Category Archives: Everything Else

At least he admitted it…

…although it took him long enough. Like all criminals, it required his getting caught in order for him to come clean. But at least he new when the jig was up, and he couldn’t hold out any longer.

Tonight, I read Bernie Madoff’s confession (pdf file). A “How I Did It” treatise. Yikes. It’s relatively short, but in his own words and pretty straightforward. Word on the street and in the news is that he will go away for a long, long time; likely for the rest of his life.

I will confess that this particular fate is one that I am sure would kill me. I mean…you’d really have to be stupid, or astonishingly arrogant, or both, to bilk people out of billions without worrying that one day, the Ponzi scheme would come crashing down (as all Ponzi schemes eventually do).

This crime was so huge in scope, I think they should rename it to “Madoff scheme,” and let poor Carlo Ponzi rest in peace.

Then I think about the opposite of the Bernie Madoff confession: the OJ Simpson non-confession. I don’t mean the murders back in 1994 (although the jury’s still out on that, pardon the pun). Rather, I refer to the latest unpleasantness in court last year, where a staunchly defiant Simpson maintained his innocence in the face of compelling evidence to the contrary — right down to and including the point when the jury convicted him on 11 of 11 counts.

I mean, really. Crumbs all over your shirt and you didn’t raid the cookie jar.

Still other convicts just can’t help theyselves. It wasn’t the drug conviction that made me read this twice. Yowza.

I got nothin’.

No voice, that is. Whatever this plague is that has chosen to follow me around in various incarnations since last week, it’s now settling in the exact area I need it least:

As many of you know, I am no stranger to voice problems, although the trouble was long ago. Still, I’m a little skittish when it comes to laryngitis — it led to surgery all those years ago, and I don’t ever want to repeat that delightful experience.

So, no talking (teaching) for me today. I’m sure the choirs will be thrilled. All I know is, this February is one for the record books. Sheez.

Fink, rocking the mensis horribilis.


Photo credit:

If 50 is the new 30…

…then my day is made.

As anyone who knows me already knows, I think about aging. A lot. Probably too much. I also tend to bristle ever so slightly at those who wave me off and say, “Aw, just enjoy it. Be who you are and don’t worry about what you look like.”

Do you know what a “pet peeve” is? Yeah.
Truth is, there are some realities that make the “50 is the new 30” thing a bit of a stretch. I know that. In an article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch (URL no longer active), we get the following skinny:

“We’re considering middle age now to be about 40 to 65 years of age,” [physical therapist Margaret] Herning said. “People are living so much longer.”

Although people may think and even act 30, their bodies won’t do what 30-year-old bodies can do, experts say.

Even people in top shape need to recognize they’re not kids anymore, says Dr. John Morley, chief of geriatrics at St. Louis University School of Medicine. “You cannot be at 50 what you were at 30.”

I know, I know. But it doesn’t mean I don’t try. I fight age every single day, and I will until they throw the dirt on me. Still…
The things we used to do without thinking about it become a little more complicated, a little more painful, a little more difficult, and we become aware of our need to make changes…At this point in life, whether it’s 50, 51, 55, a lot of things change,” [Morley] says. “And those changes can take you by surprise.”

And how. But some people continue to defy the odds. Look at Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles. She and I are the same age. Hmm. Of course, she has an infinitely larger resource pool for plastic surgery than I do, but she looks wonderful all the same.

I know. I’m starting a fund. Save the Fink’s Face. Please contribute. I covet your generosity in my time of need.

All right, back to augmented sixth chords. As you know, my life is a friggin’ party.

Fink out.

Not ready for primetime

But I’m going in anyway. We’ll see how the day shakes out, especially with a tap rehearsal until 8:15 p.m. Heh. Should be funny.

So today, since I’m already (still) weak and not the least bit certain that I’ll get through the day without passing out and making a fool of myself, I put the onus on you, my fiends. Here is a question for you today because I’m interested in your opinions:

Should we just accept Michael Phelps’s apology and get on with it? Or should there be consequences?

Weigh in if you like. All opinions will be treated with respect and open-mindedness (unless, of course, you’re smug about the Super Bowl results).

Fink (off to get ready for school, not without a small bit of trepidation) out.


For the Boys

I am fortunate to have many wonderful men in my life — not only in “realtime” (the Thriller, my beautiful sons, Jakey, and various great friends), but also here in Finkville. You know how it’s standard fare for a man to say, “I just love beautiful women”? Well, I just love smart men. And I am surrounded by them, both in Ohio and online. That makes me happy. Therefore, today is a toast-post, in honor of the boys who comment at RtB.

So what is my toast to you? A gift!

No, no, Poppet…it’s not a 72-inch TV or power tools or a new PlayStation or Wii or a year’s subscription to watch the wrestle guys on pay-per-view. Rather, I’ve matched each of you to a design for your fall wardrobe — straight out of the recently-concluded Paris Fashion Week. WOW!

Aw. No need to thank me. :-)

OK, wait for it…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…


Son Lars could definitely rock this outfit. 'Specially the kilt.

Ross - you could peek your head around the door and say you were just leaving for work.

This is Adam. Adam hates you.

RD finds his inner nutjob.

Michael - would the other guys in the band think you were exceptionally weird? Nah. *All* drummers are weird.

Stein - next band concert. Triple-dog dare ya.

Kody - Ms. Stoneham is spraying coffee all over her monitor at this moment.

That's right, TRO. Tan they hides. Make 'em pay.

This is totally Charles. Thing is...he would wear it. Seriously.

Meppy/Franklin - forget the delicious puffiness; you know you want the headgear.

Sam! No need to shop for a prom tux, pal. Fink's got you covered.

This. Is. Greg.

Boom-Boom loves to ski.

And so it goes in the world of the fashion-savvy. There you are, my boys. Go forth and shop.

Seriously, though…a commenter on one of the sites said it best, telling this year’s designers to “PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE.”


Happy Saturday.


PS – Coming soon: a tribute to the Finkville Femmes. :-)

Photo credits: Reuters, LA Times