Category Archives: Everything Else


I like plays on words. And I like contests. So let’s have a little play on words contest, ja?

OK. Your job is to look at the pictures (if you know the site where I got these, please don’t reveal it — I’ll tell everyone tomorrow) and come up with the pithy/punny/silly slogan that goes with it. Here’s a couple of for-instances:


Git it? OK, your turn.

One regular-sized, delicious Hershey bar for each correct answer given first. If you’re not in Finkville, I will send it to you. (Ask Suzanne — have I sent chocolate to the Netherlands? The Fink makes good on the candy.)

A couple of my favorites:

Go ahead and give it a shot. Have some pun with it.

Happy Tunesday!

Since it’s Sunday & all

As is customary, I don’t know how I got to this site, but I daresay it’s been an interesting read for the last hour or so. So much so, I haven’t even made the coffee yet.

Ship of is an irreverent (smart-aleck, actually), wittily-written site from UK, dedicated to forcing believers to have an honest look at the “religion” part of their faith, and to slap themselves in the back of the head once in awhile for being pompous or idiotic. Humor figures in heavily within sections such as the Caption Contest, the Fruitcake Zone, and my personal favorite, Gadgets for God (the Apps of the Apostles, hahaha).

Though I rarely speak/write publicly about it, those who know me know I have some issues with organized religion. Raised in a strict Baptist home, I know my bible pretty well, and I know the wages of sin. I also know that some churches shoot their wounded — either as euthanasia or punishment — instead of pull them off the battlefield to give comfort and help. That’s as far as I’ll go on that, but suffice it to say that I was grateful to find a “religious” website full of believers who take a realistic, and often funny, view of themselves as faith-based beings. Refreshing.

I also found interesting the reports from the Mystery Worshipper section, featuring folks who show up at various churches for worship, then report back on their experience.

OK, now I’m going to make the coffee. Then maybe read some more. Good stuff! Happy Sumday.


15 weeks

All right, fiends. I am going out on a huge limb here.

Fifteen weeks remain until the Thriller and I leave on our Route 66 Odyssey. I am going on record this morning to inform one and all (something I never, ever do on this subject) that we began a healthier eating regimen yesterday.  During the next 15 weeks and beyond, we have committed ourselves to not putting so much garbage down the hatch. We’re going to walk Rousseau every evening, weather permitting. Now that my Dinner Theatre and tour are over, I am cooking dinner every weeknight because I can be a real teacher and go home before dark.

That’s about as far as the new promises go, however. Don’t want to overload myself. One step at a time, da?

So give me some of your best healthy eating tips. What works for you? Not eating after 7 p.m. works for me. I had to wrap my brain around the fact that it’s OK to go to bed with the munchies. No big deal: you won’t die and your bod will thank you in the morning.

And here we go. I’ve gone public, so it’s on.

Happy Tunesday!

Thursday morning, 3 a.m.

I know, shameless Paul Simon ripoff. I gotta get some sleep. Up before the chickens.

How I got to looking at bad tattoos at 4:00 in the morning, I’ll never know. Actually, I can’t say they’re *bad* tattoos, because they’re art. Who’s to say what’s bad art?  Anyway, this was all before coffee, so not my fault.


Hey, Robert Culp died. I liked him. I don’t have the Dinner Theatre program done yet, and we open tomorrow. Wonder when I’m going to shop before leaving on tour. I am out of chocolate Cheerios. I have to go to the bank.

I think I’m turning Japanese.

To spare you any more non-sequiturs, I remain yours truly,

Rat (you know you’re stressed when you’re actually looking forward to being responsible for taking two charter buses to New York City with 103 other people) Fink

Cool Toys

Ya just gotta love this.

New Barbie dolls — Mad Men style. They come in 4 flavors: Joan, Roger, Don and Betty. How fantastic is this?


Only thing slightly uncool is the price — $75. Seventy-five bucks for a Barbie? What the world? For $30, you can get a toy that blows giant smoke rings, or a shower curtain decorated with the Periodic Table. Even fewer semolians are required to get you (“you” meaning BoomR and Helen) iPhone App Fridge Magnets.

What’s not to like?

And did you ever make a flipbook when you were a kid? I never had the talent. Still don’t. But at $3, I could just not and say I did.

The coolest toys are the ones that make you say, “Geez, wish I’d thought of that first.” My #1 pick? G.I. Joe. I envy the guy back in 1963 who said, “Hmm…there’s got to be a way I can tap into the doll market for boys….”

I heart toys. And you.