Category Archives: Summer 2011 – Western US


We arrived at Milwaukee’s Hotel of the Arts (awesome downtown location) at 2 p.m. and checked in. Then we went to the Fire Pit restaurant inside the Potowatomi Casino, where we had a fantastic dinner with two of my old friends from junior high school. It was a beautiful evening.

I’d post a photo of our good time, but suffice it to say that while the Thriller has many talents, picture-taking with my phone isn’t one of them. :-) So I’ll get a photo from Missy later.

In lieu of a picture of my face, I will instead show a picture of the sink I want for my bathroom:

Love it.

All right, on to Lake Winnebago, to relax with the Thriller’s mom for a couple of days. Looking forward to it. Happy Finkday!

Awesome start


So we were all ready to  leave, right? I’m glad Mr. Kidney Stone decided to make an entrance before we actually got on the road. One minute I’m fine, and the next, I’m writhing on the floor.

Fortunately, my neighborhood hospital staff got me all taken care of, with plenty of feel-good drugs for when the nasty little rock decides to exit stage left.

Kidney stone: check.
Percocet: check.
Happiness: check.

Fink and the Thriller, reporting from Detroit


Frazzly. That’s my word for the day.

OK, we’re getting ready to line up at the gate and start this thing. So long awaited; so carefully planned.


Hugs to all — watch this space for updates!


NPO in the books

Now if July would just get here.

We finalized all the details for our National Parks Odyssey next year, and I must say we’re already excited about leaving. We also have to start saving money again…like, now. Of course, one helpful advantage is saving $25 at every fee gate, thanks to the Thriller’s NP Access Pass, issued to him by the VA, which covers all entrance fees to any venue operated by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Fish & Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, and the National Park Service. That pretty much covers everywhere that qualifies as a National Park or National Monument. Home run.

Behold the completed itinerary (northern trek is first — visiting Detroit, then family & fiends in Wisconsin):

As Jan said on Facebook, it is funny that we’re planning this just as the school year starts. Truthfully, I think it was important to plan it now; if the year shapes up like I think it might, we won’t have the gray matter to pull it off in May.

Ah, contract day. Bloodborne pathogens video, the annual Power Point presentation from the superintendent, faculty meetings (and when you’re a specialist, you get to attend more than one), blah. It’s all delightful, and part of Playing the Game.

But truly exciting? Tomorrow, Mavis and I leave for the Thelma and Louise Odyssey to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the weekend. Awesome. Going to meet some reeeeeeally special people. Great fun will be had. Photos will be published. Lives will be changed. Food will be eaten.

Is it Finkday yet? Why yes, I believe it is.
