
We arrived at Milwaukee’s Hotel of the Arts (awesome downtown location) at 2 p.m. and checked in. Then we went to the Fire Pit restaurant inside the Potowatomi Casino, where we had a fantastic dinner with two of my old friends from junior high school. It was a beautiful evening.

I’d post a photo of our good time, but suffice it to say that while the Thriller has many talents, picture-taking with my phone isn’t one of them. :-) So I’ll get a photo from Missy later.

In lieu of a picture of my face, I will instead show a picture of the sink I want for my bathroom:

Love it.

All right, on to Lake Winnebago, to relax with the Thriller’s mom for a couple of days. Looking forward to it. Happy Finkday!

2 thoughts on “Milwaukee

  1. Suzanne

    I just got home from work and am hungry. So hungry that when I saw that picture I thought it was a bowl of ice cream with a spoon in it! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    Have a good trip!!


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