I know it’s late, but I’d like the following for Christmas this year. Is there anything you can do, last-minute-like?
It would be a really great Christmas if:
- I never saw another “LMS” post on Facebook. (Wasn’t MySpace also taken over by the junior high crowd before it died a miserable death?)
- people finally, once for all, figured out the difference between “your” and “you’re”
- Congressmen/women could think about something other than their reelections
- I could have a new hip joint without all the cutting and sewing
- all my family’s health problems would go *poof*
- I could see my grandchildren every day
- yes, I have to say it: there was world peace (seriously, it would be fantastic if it happened in my lifetime)
- the city would fix the pothole in the street at the entrance to my driveway (we’re getting tired of pictures falling off the walls when trucks hit it, not to mention peeling the dog off the ceiling every time)
- people would be more tolerant of — and even welcoming to — other lifestyles, religious observances, and opinions
- every reality TV show would dry up, all at the same time *bing*
Was all that a bit snarkish? Hmm. Maybe. My apologies if I offend — just blame it on the fact that my students and I are suffering from spending too much time together. We need a little space in the relationship.
I’m getting excited for family time! Christmas Eve is our big night, followed by the annual Detroit trip on Christmas morning, while the kids are scattered at in-laws’ and other places. Bring it on. Thursday, GET IN MY BELLY.
I’m getting excited for family time! Christmas Eve is our big night, followed by the annual Detroit trip on Christmas morning, while the kids are scattered at in-laws’ and other places. Bring it on. Thursday, GET IN MY BELLY.
I’m with you on ALL of that… well, except for the LMS thing. I have no clue as to what you’re talking about (chalk it up to old age…)
You don’t know what it is, luv, because you (obviously) don’t have many teenagers — or any at all — on your Facebook friend list.
It stands for “Like My Status.” If you click “like” on someone’s status, they’ll tell you something, either a “truth” or a “to be honest” themed something-or-other, either on the wall or in private messaging. Weirdness…….
I didn’t know what LMS was either…Laughing My Socks…..off. nope hahah. But thanks to The Fink being the youngster that she is she can keep up UTD. hehehe
Laughing my socks off…HA
I’d be really *REALLY* happy if I could just wake up Christmas Morning and we’re all moved, all the shelves and pictures are up, everything is in place and we can just relax and enjoy our new home. Oh, and there’s a fully-decorated Christmas tree in the living room with TONS of presents under it.
We are moving. Over Christmas. How stupid can two people be?
PK, packing myself into oblivion.