Down and down…

…go the days, down the May drain. Yay.  8-)

Remember all those commitments I yammered on about a week ago? Well, I’m down to the last two. Auditions tonight, then graduation on Sunday. Then it’s allllllllll over.

A friend posted this on Facebook this morning. Very interesting, and timely too, since it was written in 1933:

Too true.

Have a goody today — we’re halfway there. I’m off to make pick up the donuts. Heh.

6 thoughts on “Down and down…

      1. Mavis

        Aw, so sorry you’ve been sick! It always happens at the end of the year. You’ll be good as new once you leave A-land behind!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We are! I have been too dang busy to arrange for the t-shirts, but we will go and join the walk and hear the speeches. I hope to get some good photos, and I hope the media are there en masse. Gotta do our little part to stop these criminals…


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