DT, check. Next…

I’m not getting too old for this I’m not getting too old for this I’m not getting too old for this I’m not g…

What a great weekend, though, eh? Once again, I am reminded why I do this.

I still don’t know how they all pull it off. You really have to see it actually happening to get the complete gist. I swiped some photos from the Facebook album of RtB fiend Greg, who is also my tech director. Hope he doesn’t mind. Those of you on his friend list saw his step-by-step photo album of how the show came together — great idea, that. I need to get with that program. Anyway, as you will see, we have a very limited, small performance space. It’s a cafeteria with a tiny stage that has no dressing facilities, no wingspace (actors have about 5 feet in which to wait for entrances), no scene shop, no catwalk, no hardwired sound reinforcement system and no storage. Yet, the cast, crew and tech people consistently do outstanding work. I couldn’t be more proud. Here are some clicky pictures (thanks again, Greggy) of how things look:








Again, you’d just have to see how they do it to believe it. I always get a kick out of when my students go backstage at a “real” theater at a neighboring school and come back talking about how enormous everything was. Admittedly, there are also times when I wish that mo money (lots mo, like 6 figures mo) could be thrown at our little space to improve it. But until that time, we will keep using every square inch of the real estate we have.

All right then…*rubbing paws together*…who’s up for choir tour on Tuesday???

Fink out (and feeling a bit aged).

8 thoughts on “DT, check. Next…

  1. Mavis

    If I had the money, I would build you all a huge theater. I must say, though, that some times wonderful things come in small packages. The performances you, your cast and crew put on – are worthy of the Met! From the show, down to the last bite of mouth watering cake – it couldn’t possibly get any better. BRAVO to all of you! Each person gave 100%+. Sam, as usual, you made me cry – and did Billy proud! Sissy, your musicians were top notch, as always! It was good to see Steven there! Well, I could go on and on. Thanks to all for a wonderful evening. I’m already looking forward to next year, so rest up Berd! Thank you Greg, for the great photos!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Mavis! It was more fun than stressful this year, which is good, given that I had so many rookies in the cast. Next year should be fun, too. But I ain’t thinkin’ about it till Thanksgiving! :-)

  2. Meg

    I simply CANNOT find words to express my thanks to ALL of you! DT 2010 will have been my 10th production. What an incredible journey to be a part of over the years! I am so thankful for you and the program you have established at SC. My experiences are unforgettable! Love you! :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      *hugs* Thank you right back, Meggly. I really hope you continue with your music, even though you’re going to be a doctor. You have been a delight!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      The kids really came through, Suz. As did the parents and all the other workers. It was a fun time — but no rest for the Rat — I spent 8 hours on the road yesterday with Mavis, getting stuff ready for tour and visiting the grandsons for the final time till Easter Sunday. Yikes, withdrawal!! LOL

  3. Greg

    Always happy to share photos of the production! It was truly a great show!! A former student of mine attended on Saturday and was a little dubious, having seen a DT show in another school district. She was absolutely blown away by our production!!!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You know, just when we think, “Man, I hope they can pull all this off…”

      Thanks for everything, Gregor. You are top-drawer.


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