Psst. Hey, Jesse.

I try to avoid judgmentalism, holier-than-thou-ism, and especially annoying finger-pointing about that which I do not possess inside information. All that leads, as we know, to periodic visits from Kaptain Karma. But really, Jesse…did ya think these gold-diggers were going to be happy staying in the shadows forever?

From the Miami Herald:

It’s beginning to sound a little too familiar. A fourth woman has come forth claiming she too had an affair with Sandra Bullock’s husband Jesse James. And this woman (a model, naturally) has guns blazing — lawyering up with scorned woman specialist Gloria Allred.

“She is in the process of trying to decide if she will come forward. She has proof of their relationship including hundreds of texts, e-mails and photos. The relationship just ended recently after the scandal broke,” read Allred’s statement released by Entertainment Tonight.

Days after Michelle McGee alleged she had an 11-month fling with James, two other women — fetish model Brigitte Daguerre (whose mortgage he was reportedly paying) and stripper Michelle Smith — also claimed affairs. Smith claims her relationship with James began in 2006, while he was already married to Bullock. reported that the biker dude found her on MySpace.

Tiger Woods has got to be exhaling right about now.

You just never know when stuff is gonna jump up and bite you on the hiney. I’ve learned that the hard way at various times in my life, I must admit. The point is that I’ve had to try to learn from it, so I don’t repeat past mistakes.

And I’ll go you one further. I think these “addictions,” like those which have “afflicted” Tiger Woods (and Jesse James too, which we will likely hear about soon), are little more than conscious decisions to let your proclivities run rampant. It’s become the insanity defense for repeat adulterers/adulteresses. I’m not casting aspersions (or I’m trying not to), but let’s call it what it is. “I did this thing over and over and over with ten different women, but it *really* wasn’t my fault — I need rehab.”


On a brighter note: the shows went well last night! A few alterations here and there for today and tonight, and we should be good to go. Two down, three left. I’m actually looking forward to it. (Did I just say that?)

Happy Saturday, fiends, and a big hug for fellow Finkite Bando, who lost her precious dog Benny yesterday to sickness.


2 thoughts on “Psst. Hey, Jesse.

  1. RD

    Glad to hear that your DT show went really well last night. That doesn’t surprise me. I was really, really, confident that they would. While you’re doing the shows, I’m watching the Elite Eight games of the NCAA basketball tournament. If I were in OH, I’d be at your DT instead — and gladly so!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      And I missed you, dear friend — but hey, pigging out on basketball sounds like the next best thing for you!


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