Vendredi gras! Let’s celebrate.
- A good weekend coming up here. New babies in the future, dinner with friends tonight, grandsons tomorrow night, and watching #1 Son play drums in a band Sunday night. All good stuff. Weather should be fantastic all weekend, too, although I’ll be awfully glad for air conditioning.
- Three weeks till departure for the New England Odyssey. If I’d ever do a “happy dance” (which I wouldn’t), I’d insert it here.
- Y’know…when I wanted LeBron James to win clutch games, it didn’t happen. Now that I want him to lose, he scores 45 points in a single game. Seriously, he needs to retire. I’m sick of being a spoilsport.
That’s OK, though. I’ll still celebrate today.
- After hours and hours of customization, I think I have the new digs here at RtB looking how I want. I hope you like it, fiends — or at least that you’ll get used to it after awhile. I think we’re good like this for a couple more years.
What’s up for you this weekend? I hope the weather’s nice where you are, and that you don’t have to go to work.
OK…I confess…I’m a lurker by nature. However, I love the new look. In fact, you look mauuuvelous, dahling! You keep writing and I’ll keep lurking! Sounds like a wonderful weekend…ENJOY!
Hey, you’re welcome to stick your toe out of the shadows anytime, gf! Thanks — I kind of like the look as well. Enjoy your weekend!
The site looks great! And……I am off to the Outer banks. Have a great weekend, and I shall be in touch!
Luv ya,
Stoney (another lurker)
Have a BLAST, Stoneyfriend — see you when you get back (start cataloging all funny stories!).
Oooooooh new layout! This is different but I like it! Sounds like a good weekend for you and I’d like to hear more about your upcoming vacation. I think you had a blag post about it a long while back but I forget the specifics.
This weekend I am going to burn a piano in the forest, hopefully make some music, and hang around with some friends.
Thanks, pal! It’s kind of growing on me already.
I plan to blag on about the upcoming Odyssey here in a few days. Stay tombed. And this “hang[ing] around with some friends” thing sounds like it’s exactly what you need right through here. Savvy? Enjoy yourself!
No serious weekend plans yet, but… as much as you don’t wannnttt toooo… I’m gonna call you shortly.
Well, I would be “in trouble” if I said “no serious weekend plans” — we have GRANNY SQUARES to make. Only like… 75 more. Too bad with my crippleness, it takes me an hour or so to do ONE. We’re working at a 1:3 ratio. Pfft. The goal is to have a blanket that we made together…by the time it gets cold again. Ha. 
Call anytime — I have to hear about this job thing!!! (Granny squares?? What be they??)
Congrats on your new grandchild! Enjoy your weekend. I’m going to lurk at a bead show at the NC State Fairgrounds tomorrow and then spend the rest of the day in my hammock re-reading the GOT books.
Nice layout, girlie!
Zoning out in true soprano fashion.
Thanks, luvy — he is an angel! Your weekend sounds absolutely heavenly. Lurk and read: two of my favorite pastimes!
The new layout is cool. Congratulations on the new grandson! Most of my week-end will be spent with a wife in rehab following surgery. Also, must mow the yard or buy a goat. I’ll mow!
I know where there are some goats! (Check my latest Facebook photo, hahaha)
Hope Bonnie is doing well on her recovery! And thanks — he is a little angel for sure.