Fun escape

Y’know…seems all I’ve been thinking about lately is this show opening in 25 days, and how much rehearsal time we’ve missed due to snow and playoff games, and how much work remains before we can even fathom putting something onstage for paying guests.

The Black and Gold

The Black and Gold

I think that’s why last night was such a great break for many of us. I adore these kids (and I have 130-some very much like them in the other choirs at school), truly. They keep me young. Most importantly, they’re parented very well, having been taught to be respectful and kind. Never once do I worry about them doing or saying something inappropriate at a huge venue like the Q. (Too bad the Cavs lost by 20. That was inappropriate.)

Getting ready

Getting ready on center court

We laughed a lot during the one-hour wait time before they lined us up to go out to center court, at which time they sang the national anthem very nicely.

I’ve admitted to you before that I often dread these gigs (the getting dolled up, the driving to/in Cleveland during rush hour amidst 10,000 construction barrels downtown, the hunt for a parking space, for which you are drained of $35), but once I’m there, it’s a total hoot. The Cavs have their “anthem singers” division pretty well organized, other than the part about standing the whole time while waiting over an hour to perform. (Still, my fiend Wendell and I found a nice cart to park our buns on for a bit. Shout out to her for taking these cool photos, too.)

Anyway. It was lots of fun, a great honor, and a much-needed diversion from the regular insanity. And as we were filing out of the event level, one of the boys sidled up to me and said, “So,we need to talk. When are we doing an Indians game this year?” :-D

How’s your week shaping up?

3 thoughts on “Fun escape

  1. RD

    It’s terrific that you provide these exceptional young people this wonderful opportunity to perform at the Q. I hope your weather cooperates so you don’t miss any more DT rehearsals. We’ll be experiencing some northern weather in the near future.

  2. David

    Great job Ms Fink…I wish my Grandkids had a Finkster in their lives or even a school district that placed a value on the Arts. Very cool, through your efforts these kids’ world view gets wider with every opportunity you give them.

    When you do an Indians game make sure it is a Nationally televised game so we can watch! Be Blessed!

  3. Rat Fink Post author

    Aw, thanks guys. I love you both! :-D

    So far, so good on the rehearsals, although we had freezing rain underneath more snow last night. Should be good to go this week, however. Keep prayers going and everything crossed!


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