FYI in case you’re interested

Several things to report today:

— I have taken the plunge and requested a name change at Facebook. Too many people have told me they are searching for me, but can’t find me. Oh all RIGHT! I’ve put in the request and it should happen tomorrow.

But I like the name Rat Fink. <<whiny, pouty, mopey face>>

— The Orlando Magic have been officially defeated. Heh heh. I feel a microscopic smugness. Grin at that, Dwight Howard. (I know, I’m just a sore loser, gettin’ me some righteous schadenfreude.)

— The Thriller has decided to go for his Clinical Counseling degree. How cool is that? He starts at seminary in the fall, if all goes well.

— School starts in 71 days. My final curriculum course for this masters degree starts in 79 days. Full scale rehearsals for the fall musical start in 85 days. Not that I’m counting.

— Yesterday’s survey responses are quite revealing! Nine in so far. If you haven’t taken it yet, then by all means scroll down and do it.

Off to the showers. Have a dandy MundaneDay.


3 thoughts on “FYI in case you’re interested

  1. Suzanne

    I took that survey but what’s up with the purple on black? Had to put my reading glasses on over my other reading glasses. :)

    Look me up at Facebook plz!!!


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