Hey, are you busy?

Just askin’. Because it’s Saturday, and there should be some relaxing in your future. Yet, I am busy, for good reasons and not-so-good reasons.

Good Reasons:

  • I’m fixing to bake a 3-layer marble cake. It’s Jon’s (my future son-in-law) birthday feast tonight, and that’s his fave dessert. I do love cooking/baking/general culinary fun. It’s one of exactly three things in life I’m good at. Update, 12:25 p.m. – it’s done. Yay! On to the lasagna…
  • Jakey is coming tonight, too. Yay.
  • I’m putting the finishing touches on some choreography I started last night.
  • Simone is coming over to help assemble the lasagna. (Hmm…I think I’ll call Helen and invite her, too…)

Not-So-Good Reasons:

Oh wait. I said I was going to try to be more positive about B***on Uni*****y. Scratch that.

So I read a review on the new Brendan Fraser movie, Inkheart. Critics aren’t too thrilled with it, but it doesn’t matter. I usually don’t much care what critics have to say, as I have often liked movies that they panned. Meh. (But I will admit it is a slippery slope, transferring a book to the screen. You drag along lots of people’s contextual baggage.)

Anyway, I’ve read two of the books in the trilogy (Inkheart and Inkspell). They are very good juvenile fiction. I lost interest after the second one, but I might pick up Inkdeath and add it to the stack of about 14 books that I have to get around to reading.

Last night, I finished the first book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I wanted to read it before I saw the movie, which I will rent when it comes out on DVD. I love vampiric stuff, as many of you know, so it was an enjoyable read. I’ll start the next one tonight.

Don’t you just love to read?

Fink out.

Photo credit: New Line Cinema (IMDB)

16 thoughts on “Hey, are you busy?

  1. Meg

    AH! I’m almost done with Twilight. :)
    Hey, ya think I could borrow the second one when you’re done? I don’t feel like spending $15 at Barnes & Noble to buy it…or putting my name on a list of 73,469 people at the library to check it out. Ha.
    Have a fabulous weekend, babe.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Of course, Meg! I have all 4 of them and would be glad to loan them to you when I’m done. I usually take several weeks to get through a book because I only read before turning off my light at night (and I’m usually too tired to last past about 20 minutes), but I gobbled Twilight down an hour at a time!

      Soon as I’m done, I’ll bring it to school. You have a relaxing weekend as well.

  2. Meg

    Sam…Hun, don’t say that if you haven’t cracked the book open or seen the movie. I thought that as well until I decided to see what all the “hulla balloo” was about. Now I love it.
    You are coming to see the movie with me by the way. :)

  3. Kristen

    Sorry guys! I’m going to have to agree with Sam on this one. I read the books to see what the hype was all about, and I didn’t enjoy them at all. :\

  4. Skylar

    I read the Twilight books as they were published. It was nice being a fan before *everyone* was so obsessed… but they’re still pretty good, I think. :) I didn’t think you’d be one to like Twilight or Inkheart, honestly. Is Inkdeath out? I didn’t know they’d already translated it.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I really liked it, yes! You’d be surprised at the books I’ve read…let’s see…

      All the Artemis Fowl books
      The Pendragon books (not all of them, though)
      Potter, of course
      The Series of Unfortunate Events series
      Chronicles of Narnia
      A bunch of other juvenile fiction that I can’t remember. I love the stuff!

      Yep — looks like Inkdeath is available.

      1. Skylar

        That’s interesting. I can’t wait for the movie. The actor playing Dustfinger played Chaucer in A Knight’s Tale… I thought he was pretty good in that. :)

  5. Rat Fink Post author

    Hey! I remember cooking for you — I’d totally forgotten about that! It’s something I still enjoy. And my stroganoff is #1 son’s all-time fave. When it’s his turn for the birthday feast, I don’t even ask what he wants!

    The party was great, and the lasagna and cake were a hit. Jake was a scream; he’s so funny and fun to be around. And hey, I dated one drummer, raised another…why not be Grammie to one more???


  6. Krissy

    Like Skylar, I started the Twilight series before everyone became obsessed. Skylar recommended them to me actually. I loved them. Have you been on stephaniemeyers.com? She has a pdf file of Midnight Sun. It is Twilight from Edward’s point of view.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      No Krissy, I haven’t but I’ll check it out for sure. All I know is that I’m staying up way too late reading this novel!


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