I totally forgot that yesterday was my birthday. Finkweb’s birthday, that is. And of course, in celebration, I shall have to bake something. Nah, maybe not. What I will do is thank you once again for reading and sharing your thoughts on this little forum for the last four years.
February 2008 — I had no business starting a writing adventure, since I was hip-deep in teaching, rehearsing shows, and taking night classes. Whatever possessed me to go, “I think I’ll start a blog about nothing,” I’ll never know. The conventional wisdom at that time advised against starting a blog that didn’t have a specific purpose — and I was definitely purposeless — but I’m glad I jumped in anyway, because not only am I building a portfolio of essays for some future, pie-in-the-sky hopeful writing job, I’m enjoying the somewhat daily contact with family and friends: something very important to me. (Have I told you how much I love the comment love?)
Who could ask for a better result? All this blessing from a blog about nothing.
And I have you to thank for it.
Happity birthday to us!
Happy belated blog birthday!!!
Hippo, Birdies, two Ewes!
And what’s this about a writing ‘job’? To heck with that! Girl, you need to freelance! Put your stuff on paper and send it out! That’s how Harry Potter got started!
Can’t say enough about working for myself. I’m the best boss I’ve ever had!
CEO, Founder, Music Director and Queen
Melody Music Studios
Cary, NC
Happy Blogday, Bird!!!!!
Happy Birthday Finkweb!
Happy day, Finkster!!! And…a blog about nothing? Naaahhhh…..
we like it!!
Happy Belated Birthday TOOOo YOOOOUUUUuuuuu!!!! xoxoxoxo
Why thank you, everyone! It was a happy “blogday” indeed, my wonderful “Seis Compadres.” I know there are lurkers out there as well, and I appreciate them, too. But as you know, it’s the comments that keep this little train wreck on the tracks.
Big hugs to allayaz!
Happy Birthday Finktron! I always appreciate and enjoy your insight on whatever it is you choose to write about. I don’t think it has been about “nothing” so much as about no one thing in particular…which suits me just fine as you are well equipped to skillfully comment on and explore a great variety of topics. So heres to another four years and hopefully many more after! (celebratory clinking sounds of many expensive brew-ha-has…fine wines…etc)
Thankee-sai, Tomasito! I happily clink glasses with you! It’s like I sometimes tell my students: I know a little about a lot, but a lot about very little. Ha. Sometimes I guess that’s a positive!
Oh I don’t know that that is true.. the part about knowing a lot about very little. You are modest! A modest mouse…err…rat..haha.
I caught the link to this on FB. I thought you weren’t bloggin at RTB anymore, so I’ve been negligent in accessing it on a daily basis. I’ve always enjoyed your blogs. You have written about a large variety of topics and have do so in a very creative and forthright way. I love your exuberant use of the language and your sense of humor. I hope you keep blogging.
And I plan to, my friend — good to see you back! I wondered where you’d gotten off to. We need to have some java time when you get back to Purgatory.