
Start a food blog, don’t start a food blog. Start a food blog, don’t start a food blog. What do you think, fiends?

Here’s the thing. I don’t have a particular cooking/baking style. It’s pretty eclectic, and ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime. I just have to decide whether it’s all worth sharing (I am also going to need some extra income when I grow up and retire). Behold the skeleton premise:

  1. There are many recipes our mother used that I would love to share. She was raised on a farm, the eldest of nine children, and learned a lot about cooking — by necessity, because she did most of it for the family. She then grew up to be an amazing cook, and passed a lot of her knowledge down to us. I want to keep that alive.
  2. I’m no legitimate foodie. In fact, I’m an illegitimate foodie. I cook and bake for comfort and nostalgia, and for the joy factor, which I hope is reflected in the stuff I make. I would share that.
  3. The concentration would be on easy, fun and filling Midwestern fare, with shortcuts and other ideas along the way. There’d be a definite concentration on cake baking.
  4. Now that the Thriller has his lovely new toy, I would concentrate on honing my skills with food photography as well.
  5. Then, of course, there’s my irascible wit.………..*cricket, cricket*
For several weeks now, I’ve been secretly researching the prospect of food blogging, and how I might create an income stream (however modest) from it. That’s the Fink. Alllllways thinkin’. Hm. Food for thought. And speaking of food…it’s time to start assembling those chicken pot pies for Mavis’s birthday feast tonight. Yay!
Is it the end of the weekend already? Yipes.

7 thoughts on “Hmmm…

  1. Mavis

    YES! YES!!! Blog the food! Food for the blog!! I think it’s a banner idea, Bird. Mom definitely had a LOT of great recipes. If she were still with us, I’m sure she would love to share them with anyone interested. One taste of her cooking – and folks were hooked. I must say that you have followed in her footsteps! We all love everything you make, Bird-O-Matic.

    Looking forward to the “feastivities” this eventide!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Feastivities — HA. It’s become my favorite word!

      And don’t you know…I went ahead and bought It’s on…

      See you later! OH, and I just killed myself with a new lemon bar recipe.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, luv! I don’t know what (if anything) will come of it, but if I have the time, I’m going to give it a go. XO


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