How I Spent My Saturday II

And it was a whoooole lot better than How I Spent My Saturday, Part I.

Yesterday, I abandoned all work, except for some minor cleaning that I put off till the last minute. Instead, I did what I wanted to do. It was a strange and wonderful experience. Could this be the purpose of summer weekends after all? Here is most of what I did with my Saturday, listed in random order.

Heard about the best toy everPlayed with a cute little bug


3. Updated some stuff on my Facebook profile, which had sat unattended and lonely for a long time.

4. The Thriller -- he's way too good to me


5. Met a friend at an area watering hole. Good times.

And now, it’s 6:48 and I have some things to take care of before Mavis & Ray come over at 11 to get the lowdown on Rousseau and taking care of the house for a couple of days. And at noon, it’s off to the Motor City for a little gambling, considerable eating, and a whole lotta relaxing.

Happy Sunday to all my fiends,


6 thoughts on “How I Spent My Saturday II

  1. BoomR

    Casino! Casino!! Bluvox & I stayed at “The Isle” in Waterloo – sister to the “Isle of Capri” in Bosier City, LA. OMG… it looked like a geriatric convention was in town. I don’t think we saw anyone under the age of 60 in the casino!! I hope Greektown is fun for you folks! Safe travels!! (PS – when is the white gloved one’s b’day?)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I thought that’s what you meant when you referenced “The Isle.” Iowa’s a gamblin’ state! I wanted to stop a dozen different times on my way home from Nebraska.

      Did you have a gas at the reunion?? I must hear all about it!

      Oh–the Thriller’s b-day is on the 31st


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