And I think I will. Three more times, to be exact.
If they can keep the energy up for three more shows, this will have been one of the most rewarding musical theater productions of my career — simply on merit of the B,S & T it took to get there.
RtB readers/posters Krissy, Meg and Sam were all wonderful on their features. Also, it was great fun to be reunited in the pit once again with Lars and #1 Son. How awesome is that?
So I’m going to take some photos tonight (if I remember). I’ll post some here tomorrow, after it’s all over and we can all breathe again.
Hitting the showers, then the school house. Have a great Saturday, my fiends.
Fink out.
Wish I could be there. This whole growing up and working thing isn’t to fun. Very excited to see the pics!
Yeah, I hear ya Kody. I guess that’s why I do this thing…to get some vicarious thrills that I can’t get for real anymore!
It was a great show. However, who the heck got in my office and put my pictures and paperweights upside-down and sideways? Do you have a clue? Are you partially responsible? Paul? George? Sam? Jake?
Well thanks, Stein. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I did crack up when I took out my phone on the drive home and read the text message you sent during the show: I see you.
And…I do not know how people got into your office (unless they stole my keys, which is entirely possible), but my money is on the last two names on your list.
Well….it’s over. And now back to real life. Hope your performances went as well as mine did!
Awesome, Conger! I talked to your sis after the show last night and she said yours was great, and that we should do it at SC. MehhhhhhhhhhhIdunno…….but I’m thrilled yours was a success! You doing it next year too, then?
Thanks, Mike. Like I told you yesterday, they sure did pull it off! Gotta see what kind of pictures I find on my camera (both those that I shot, and those that were taken while I was out of the room!).
Thanks! It was so much fun. Evan is very distracting in that get-up though.