If a picture paints a thousand words…

….then why can’t I have this kitchen?

Kay brought over a copy of the July issue of Architectural Digest so I could see this photo of Keith Richards in a Louis Vuitton ad. I say rock on, Keith. You and your bad self and the boss guitar case. The caption on the ad reads, Some journeys cannot be put into words. New York. 3 a.m. Blues in C. No words indeed…

I looked through the magazine at the amazing photography, and in addition to the aforementioned dream kitchen, I found beautiful pictures and descriptions of a townhouse on Park Avenue for sale ($33M), a secluded bungalow on Bonefish Cay in the Bahamas ($14.5M), and a modestly sized, but beautifully designed, home in Valencia, California ($3.8M).

Wishing, wishing, wishing as I turned the pages…it was all very calming and brilliantly laid out. One page melded into the next…

Then I was slapped in the face with a double-page, hot pink/black/pickle green splash ad for “The World’s Best Beauty Products.” Best Slimming Gel! Best Skin Cream…Period! Best Instant Wrinkle Filler!

I was offended. And then extremely interested. I thought about my credit card. Do these products have a website? I’ll bet they do. As soon as I am done scanning photos and writing the blog, I…

HEY. Back to the subject.

Then there are the pictures of young, ultra-hip CEOs named “Mac” who wear the signature blue jeans and dress sport jacket that all yups of this ilk have to schlep around in, lest they be viewed as “old school.”

Or you could decorate your living room or bedroom with a lovely pair of porcelain vases like these. For $50,000. (But don’t worry, luv — it’s for the pair.)

I’m not sure about the 3-D, flower-buds-hanging-out look. It strikes me as…I don’t know…afflicted. Leprous. Stuck on there. Attacked. Gawdy! But you know, the Meissen porcelain factory says it’s cool, so by crackie…

But my ultimate favorite of the furniture/decor sections was the Bel-Air Sofa from 1951, now being reissued. Fabulous.

Back to orchestration homework. The crushed reverie. *sigh*

Fink out.

Image credit: Architectural Digest, tartontheweb.com, williamhaines.com

2 thoughts on “If a picture paints a thousand words…

  1. Mavis

    Ah yes, the kitchen. We would all love to have one that size, my darling. I agree with you about the vase. That sofa is a different story. I don’t know..it’s like it’s saying, “I’m a monstrous, empty egg carton. Get in so I can swallow you whole.”

    Just my opine. :0)

  2. Rat Fink Post author

    Aw, come on, Mave! Doesn’t that sofa just scream “Cary Grant movie?” It has that oh-so-chic-but-completely-uncomfortable look. HA


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