Lazy Saturday

I gotta get with it here.

Phone calls to be made, gift to be bought, house to be cleaned, bills to be paid, things to get done — and here I sit. I’m even too lazy to go make some coffee. Well, that’s not entirely true. Be right back.

OK, a little cafe mocha to zap the senses and seize the day. And today I go see my new grandson again (I got to hold him when he was 3 hours old; it was fantastic), and the Js are coming for a sleepover tonight. Could life get any better? Hmm. Maybe my mortgage could be paid off and I could have the body of a 30-year-old…but that’d be about it. So I’d say no.

And it’s Johnny Depp’s birthday — always a reason to bake cupcakes, ja?

A happy, lazy Saturday to allayall.  :mrgreen:

2 thoughts on “Lazy Saturday

  1. Meg's Mom

    Congrats on the new little guy! There’s nothing like being a Grammie! Did FaceTime with mine for the first time last night…the faces a 4-year-old and 2-year-old can make! Next weekend is a trip west to see 4-year-old soccer. Can’t wait!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, MM — you know as well as I do the joys of grandparenthood. I’m tellin’ ya, there’s nothing like it. You think you’ve spent all the love you can possibly give on your kids; then your kids have kids and it starts all over again!

      Have a great time next weekend. If 4-year-old soccer is anything like tee ball, it should be a laff riot!!


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